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[deleted] t1_irbib8m wrote


pala4833 t1_irbjjqc wrote

But certainly not at Fort Casey.


[deleted] t1_irbjzc8 wrote



pala4833 t1_irbknzs wrote

The dude is going camping at Fort Casey, there's nowhere anywhere near or on the way to cut wood. Suggesting going and cutting your own in this case isn't helpful, nor their condescending tone. And as you say "buy where you burn".

I suppose that's why it was downvoted.


Eat_Carbs_OD t1_irbk0xc wrote

I guess they like paying and not doing any work.
Lots of downed limbs and the wind blows over trees all the time.
I NEVER EVER cut down living trees.


[deleted] t1_irbkwrk wrote



Eat_Carbs_OD t1_irblgjx wrote

Plus.. wood is FAR too damn expensive. $6 - $8 for a small bundle of wood that will be gone in no time.
More so with the sun going down sooner now.