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Active-Ad3977 t1_ishdoh5 wrote

Mine definitely come running when they hear running water, they just stay out of the line of fire until it’s mud pit time


ac19723 OP t1_ishe5qs wrote

Silly birds. I love them.


Active-Ad3977 t1_ishe9f8 wrote

Me too! I found out I’m violently allergic to duck eggs after getting them, but I still want to get more!


ac19723 OP t1_isheiu3 wrote

Oh gosh! Ours are still too young to lay, probably Spring. I sure hope we're not allergic. We'll keep them and love them anyway.


Active-Ad3977 t1_ishet71 wrote

I don’t think it’s an especially common allergy. Some people who can’t tolerate chicken eggs are fine with duck. Chicken eggs bother me too but not as much. Duck eggs have a lot going for them, and they have significantly more omega-3 without supplementing feed. I hope I didn’t worry you! I just thought it was kind of funny how it worked out for me


ac19723 OP t1_ishfswd wrote

It's good info. We are new to ducks so I'm constantly researching and talking to more experienced people.


Active-Ad3977 t1_ishg5he wrote

Well, I’ve only had mine since May 2021 so I barely qualify as more experienced. But I’m always happy to talk duck.


ac19723 OP t1_ishl9r4 wrote

It is a great learning experience. We're working on turning onee property into a little hobby farm and I think ducks are the perfect beginner animal.