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veritasius t1_iu8di89 wrote

You think it’s bad in Washington, I live in Indiana and our attorney general just released a warning about fentanyl laced Halloween candy because Biden’s loose border has allowed cartels across (because giving away expensive drugs is profitable?). The made up non issues generated by the right is mind boggling.


justynebean OP t1_iu8dqoz wrote

Out by my location it’s pretty bad. I’m in western Wa but one of the reddest towns. Idiots walk around with blatantly racist shirts (things like a photo of native Americans and sayings underneath like “remember what happens with the government tries to take your guns”. We’re surrounded by idiots. Idiots as far as the eye can see. I can’t even imagine Indiana.


veritasius t1_iu8hssu wrote

There’s a lot of gun fondlers here and it’s not unusual to see open carry idiots with confederate flag caps roaming Walmart


justynebean OP t1_iu8mf6e wrote

What a weird time to be alive


CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iu97ru9 wrote

I never thought I would live to see times like this. I'm also in Western WA, grew up in TX though so I'm used to the idiots I guess.

My spouse is from Indiana and has family still there, I feel for them, they are moderate Dems but they have open minds and love to have actual debates to learn.


justynebean OP t1_iu9gmu9 wrote

Hey I grew up in Texas too! And yeah I guess I’m used to it as well but it’s still saddening to see in this day and age so much racism and blatant idiocy among people. It seems like an absolute choice to believe the lies rather than accept the reality. And in their denial they just make it worse for everyone else. It’s sad and incredibly frustrating.


CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iu9j3c6 wrote

I never realized how much racism I was exposed to till I left TX for Cali (went to school there). I realized how much racism I had, it was sobering to me. I thought I was so open minded but I guess I was, I just needed to learn.

The denial or really the outright gaslighting is what I can't stand. My parents did this to me, they were extremely abusive, and I'm still unpacking all the damage. I can't stand anyone who will gaslight.