Submitted by t3_ym28ft in Washington

I realize this is a long shot, but I saw a place on a highway on the Olympic peninsula about 7 years ago and I was wondering if anyone here could help me find it again.

I was going towards Sequim after taking a ferry from Everett. I think it was probably either highway 101 or 104. There was a very long curve of road that gradually revealed an incredible forest landscape, and on the side of the road were a series of signs, each one just a few words, forming a message about preserving the forest. It was something like:

This area was established as a preserve So that the beauty of this land Shall be maintained in perpetuity

I don’t remember the exact words, so I’m not sure how to find that place again. I’m also not currently in the US, but I’m hoping I can find it if someone knows where it is in more detail.



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t1_iv1wxeh wrote

is it the us forest service's signs along 104 between the 101/104 junction and port gamble? each sign is a fragment of the sentence?


t1_iv1xnk5 wrote

I see no reason there would be USFS signs of any kind along that stretch of road.


t1_iv25zvn wrote

There's no Everett ferry, you probably took the Edmonds-Kingston ferry, then on 104 came to this sweeping downhill curve that opens up the view to the forest on both sides. I've driven this many, many times, the Google Streetview images do not show just how dramatic it is as you round the curve.

The private forest lands out there have signs like you remember, kind of like the old Burma Shave signs. They say when the forest was last logged, replanted, and when it will be logged again, with cute messages about how they are preserving the landscape.


OP t1_iv2kq4d wrote

Thank you! That looks a lot like what I remember seeing. I might have mixed up that area with the signs after seeing them at a different point on the same drive. It's really an incredible-looking area.


t1_ivbnktw wrote

Yeah all those forests are clearcut three or four times over with bullshit signs about how Weyerhaeuser or some other craptastic shitty environmentally devastating timber company is “preserving the environment.”
The only reason those asswipes even replant their clear-cuts, is because of a law that was passed in the 1980’s that they fought against tooth-and-nail. They fought even harder against the riparian zone law that was passed to protect salmon spawning streams and rivers. They call it “Environmental Terrorism.” Not kidding.


t1_iv1i28s wrote

I don't recall any signs like that in this location, but the description kind of reminds me of 104 near 'Shine' (near the Hood Canal Bridge).


t1_ivf4d7f wrote

As someone who drives from the Tacoma-area to Port Angeles on a regular basis, the posters saying it's 104 are correct. If you use this link in Street View and face towards the 101 junction, you can see the blue signs on the right side of the road. The individual signs say:

>Foresters plant
forests anew
so future generations
will have forest, too

Last sign is STATE TRUST LANDS, managed with care (DNR?)