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Max-McCoy t1_iv5dil8 wrote

Reply to comment by mundane_prophet in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]

And Biden is a great president.


mundane_prophet t1_iv5g3v8 wrote

Definitely not "great" but adequate for the times, and maybe not even that. At the time of the election he was not an election denier, open proud bigot, who would let the country burn around him just so he could have a few more people chant his name to fuel his ego. He also at the very least is willing to live in reality. Willing to listen to experts who have spent decades mastering their fields. Is not part of the continued genocidal campaign against trans individuals. Willing to seek solutions to our current economic woes beyond just more money for billionaires. Able to admit when he is wrong, like a functional adult does. While their might be some weird hair touching or something, he's not a open and proud rapist. Believes vaccines are good. Seems to be a loving and caring father and husband. Doesn't take joy in political violence being enacted against his opponents.

Definitely not perfect, definitely not going to be the greatest president ever. But yes, you are being disingenuous or a fucking moron equating the two sides.


Max-McCoy t1_iv6bwy4 wrote

That you think there is anything decent about that mean, senile, doing all the bullshit he always did, lie, is beyond the pale.

It would be fun to take every statement you made and point out how backwards it is, but I don’t have the time. Biden literally let cities burn. He’s a career and now geriatric politician that ONLY fuels his own ego. He’s just not Trump so you think it’s a contrast, it’s not. Live in reality? He tells you the far right is the greatest threat to you but pursues war by proxy with Russia, who promises to use nukes to avoid losing. Experts in their field? Look around you. Hyperinflation is almost at hand. Watch the fed hike rates again. We are in an existential fuel crisis but it’s being ignored.

Your statement is a perfect example of just how delusional democrats are right now, whitewashing with reckless abandon and refusing to take responsibility.

This is why you lose. For stupid reasons too. We could of handled the woke, blm, dei, and trans bullshit if you hand let the wolves into flock. But you did. Now we have to face a bunch of prideful religious bat cases try to fix what democrats fucked up. And that will be a disaster in a different way. Meanwhile us moderate, fiscally conservative, socially liberal independent voters get fucked by all of this crazy political religion you created. I’m just done. Eff the republicans but double eff every democrat for being so stupid. I forgot to mention the pandemic response, and how actually evil that was. Democrats were in charge. Own it, don’t do it again.


of_patrol_bot t1_iv6by81 wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.