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Darqologist t1_iwrg2sj wrote

Perhaps they didn't pay the alcohol tax correctly (or at all) to the state?


SereneDreams03 t1_iwrgznh wrote

Well if they can't sell it, I would certainly be willing to take it of their hands for them, wouldn't want it to go to waste. 😁


avt1983 t1_iwrk65v wrote

Ah yes those state tax mandates, always kicking in the week before Thanksgiving. Pesky laws!


brittanym922 t1_iwrkthm wrote

Costco is across the street. Problem solved!


drew1010101 t1_iwrl9bu wrote

Sounds like they got in trouble with the liquor control board.


MiddleCentipede t1_iwrmh6u wrote

Rebrand it as hand sanitizer, no liquor tax required.


whidbeysounder t1_iwrnwfx wrote

Due to government regulation Murder also illegal at this store


TryFengShui t1_iwrwnln wrote

My best guess is their computer isn't set up to calculate the tax correctly.


TheBewitchingWitch t1_iwrxc9u wrote

When I briefly had to work at The Yelm Walmart, their license to sell liquor was suspended for 2 weeks because someone discounted a liquor sale too much. The state has limits on it.


Nightstorm_NoS t1_iwry7up wrote

It’s ok, due to the real-estate value inflation and property tax hike Washington residents can’t afford alcohol.


fipperton t1_iwrymwf wrote

I ran into the same problem at my local Walgreens and they told me it was due to an error in paying the wa state liquor tax and they didn't know when it would be back to normal. That was about a week ago.


EmergencyHairy t1_iwrzfw9 wrote

Ohhh shit. They better get that shit straightened out QUICK!


vogeyontopofyou t1_iws35fe wrote

By the same logic I would be unable to drive my car due to state tax mandates.


Matty_D47 t1_iws3pmu wrote

Or they got busted selling to minors


harrywoppler t1_iws56fv wrote

I worked someplace that had to stop selling alcohol due to unpaid payroll taxes.


iwilldefinitelynot t1_iws5sg3 wrote

So by this method: sales with the corrected tax is worse than no sales, no tax (especially with backtax+penalty pending)? Yeah, probably a case of selling to minors. Can't imagine WA wants to squander revenue opportunity.


azdood85 t1_iwscl7w wrote

Looks like free real estate if they left it out and cant sell it.


cheekabowwow t1_iwscldo wrote

They're probably stuck in some red tape hell because LCB's processes suck ass.


Kickstand8604 t1_iwsd9ui wrote

Alcohol sales rep in Thurston county here. Can confirm. Washington has some weird liquor laws. For example, alcohol distributors aren't allowed to take back/ exchange discontinued items. Imo, its good customer service to do that for stores. Also, Washington has one of the highest liquor taxes in the country. Everyone has to add 20% to the price at the register


No-Zombie-4107 t1_iwsehxs wrote

But please leave it on the shelf while you can't sell it, lol


Capable_Nature_644 t1_iwsfsq0 wrote

The state regulators probably finned them and shut down their liquor license. They must now renew it. QFC came close to loosing theirs and they decided to go extreme and force customers to have their id scanned. You can refuse please just don't be an @$$ about it. Thank you. No id no sale. It doesn't matter if you're 55+ all get checked.


FrothytheDischarge t1_iwsibih wrote

They are the ones who wrote & lobbied the law themselves that supported big box stores when it came to distribution. Thus screwing smaller private business owners who wanted in. Many smaller alcohol & sprits stores went bankrupt 1-2 years after opening.


Gryndyl t1_iwsoz7o wrote

It's the best option, really. Finding somewhere to store it in the backroom, figuring out what to put on the shelf in the interim and then having to swap it all back out once it can be sold again is way more effort than just leaving it on the shelf.


sarahjustme t1_iwsrkj1 wrote

There are more responsibile drinkers than the other way around. Punishing everyone for the actions of a few is crap. Maybe look at the sociology that's almost exclusively part of any substance abuse disorder


sarahjustme t1_iwsrpw6 wrote

Heh just noticed the misspelled word. Bonus.


dredbeast t1_iwstchx wrote

The taxes were already included in the price prior to the law change when they were state run. After the change we added another middleman, and the state was going to get their same cut.


sarahjustme t1_iwsudq3 wrote

Liquor licenses were a pretty popular cudgel during covid issues. Personally I have zero issues with that, but the state probably spent way more on warning letters and inspections and enforcement, than it would have ever made in revenue


Dramatic_Bluebird595 t1_iwsxwzl wrote

"tax mandates" sounds better than "we effed up and our license was suspended"...


After_Ad7545 t1_iwsyzq3 wrote

So you can still steal them , right?


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwt0bxm wrote

No, greedy ass state politicians did that all on their own. Only problem with the liquor laws here is the taxes.

Cut spending on worthless bullshit like “raising awareness about homelessness” and cut the taxes.


GingerCatGang t1_iwt0ux2 wrote

Seems like their license might be suspended due to not paying the taxes properly. That's usually why places have to temporarily stop selling even with stock on hand.


nwslouch t1_iwt1fqd wrote

Agreed. We're a state run by Democrats and will tax everything as much as possible damn it. Do enjoy that additional .46 cent a gallon gas tax come January. You're welcome.


RemarkableDisaster92 t1_iwt7vd0 wrote

You forgot to mention that prior to Costco you could only buy from WA. State liquor Control Board (the state government owned and operated all the liquor stores). And when that law passed the state was required to either sell or close the stores owned and operated by the state. The law also stated that you had to have at least 10,000 square feet of retail sales space.


whiskey_priest_fell t1_iwt8gsg wrote

I live nearby and was there yesterday thinking....some accountant f'd up and is blaming it on a minimum wage team member who is blaming it on the state.


DanishSeagirl_ t1_iwt8n4v wrote

Gig Harbor has loads of alcoholics too....I suppose they will have to drive over to Tacoma to stock up


OhCrapImBusted t1_iwt90r1 wrote


Sounds soooo much better than “We sold to a minor and got caught, so the state liquor control board shut down sales.”

Technically, it’s true since LCB defines the taxing structure of spirits as well.


SWG2001 t1_iwte8t3 wrote

Yeah according to a cashier I talked to at the FM store in Lacey. It has to do with the WA LCB to crack down to stop sales of alcohol to minors. She also told me they now card anyone no matter how old they look for tobacco sales, lighters, and even caught medicine.


JustNilt t1_iwtgevv wrote

More like they probably charged the taxes and didn't properly remit them to the state. As I recall that's an automatic suspension of the license to sell until the situation is fully investigated, fines are paid, and they give the go ahead to sell again.


Montgumryburns t1_iwtjv4t wrote

I wish we could just go back to the state run liquor stores so much cheaper


starfyredragon t1_iwtqmn1 wrote

Preach it. My parents were military, so I moved all around the states as a kid, and a little bit after out on my own. Blue states are veritable paradises compared to the 3rd-world-country that is red-state USA.

I'm more than happy with that .46 extra a gallon with all the positive benefits living in the area has. And WA actually has some of the gentlist taxes I've seen. We don't even have income taxes in this state.


Lechutes t1_iwtrnjo wrote

The Fred Meyer’s by my house got caught 5 times selling to minors, they had to completely remodel and section off the alcohol area and are required to scan driver license for each sale for 2 years.

This place got 1 or 2 warnings.


ChimpJuice t1_iwtzvw9 wrote

I don't understand why drugstores and pharmacies need to sell alcohol or cigarettes. All I go to Walgreens for is prescriptions.


thursday_0451 t1_iwujgxi wrote

The correct response to reading thisbsign, on that display, is to ask if you can borrow the spirit/booze and return it later, like a library book


hyrailer t1_iwuk655 wrote

"...their same cut" is taxes. You are implying that the state-operated stores made a profit, which they did not. Costco and Safeway, the two corporations that lobbied aggressively for the chance to sell you alcohol at a +30% markup (but told everyone they'd sell it cheaper because of their size), also collects the same alcohol taxes. Are you paying less, as they told you would happen? Definitely not. Did it create any new jobs? No. Actually, over 5,500 state employees attached to state liquor sales lost their jobs.

Much of this discussion is fed by republicans who would like to think they somehow "owned the libs" by taking away government control of a commodity and handing it over to 2 large corporations so they can make a huge profit. The truth is, everyone now pays a lot more, because you were duped.


TOMMYPICKLESIAM t1_iwvr2tq wrote

They’re free, they can’t sell but no one said they can’t give them away


Nanemae t1_iwwqmca wrote

Live in one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest districts in Washington. Can confirm, public services are a hellscape of little public transport and dodgy Internet from 20 years ago thanks to selling out to Comcast every chance we get.

Private utilities are probably the least dependable version of utilities in my experience.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwx7vku wrote

Like what exactly? How are these taxes being used to mitigate that damage vs just filling general fund coffers? I’m talking about direct action not bullshit grift programs like “raising awareness” or whatever.


warbeforepeace t1_iwx87uq wrote

Increased cost of healthcare , law enforcement, criminal activity due to alcohol. Washington’s goes in to main revenue fund. It helps go to these costs and preventing something like an income tax in the state.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwx88tj wrote

There are a lot of people that feel the same way, with just as much certainty, about gay marriage or a whole host of other “moral issues”. You are strengthening their arguments here with attitudes like that…..

“It’s only the things that I personally don’t like that we should have the government regulate”


Proffesssor t1_iwx8e23 wrote

> state politicians did that all on their own.

they had nothing to do with it. Costco wrote the initiative, gathered the signatures, spent a boatload promoting it and the people narrowly voted for it, unfortunately.


Nightstorm_NoS t1_iwx93yr wrote

Home owners are being crushed under the property tax hikes due to inflated value of homes due to a manipulated system that benefits the real-estate market and the state. Anyone who has ever sold a home knows the appraisers appraise it for what you want to sell it for. There is no argument. And the state loves the new taxes that push people from their homes and potentially Washington.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwxgs57 wrote

Ah so yeah, it goes into grifting bullshit “general fund”

Show me that money going directly to what’s it intended for or it’s just the state reaching into the pockets of the working class for no good reason.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwxh4ab wrote

No I’m talking about the bullshit morality police that first decided that certain products were, usually according to their religion, sinful and should be taxed higher. If it were about health you’d see fast food at 30%+ taxes as well since that’s a much larger (pun intended) issue in society.


warbeforepeace t1_iwxh4vm wrote

Seems like you need to do a bit of research on what taxes go toward. Just because you dont' benefit from every dollar spent directly doesn't mean you are not in benefit of the money spent. As someone that pays more taxes than most people, i don't agree with everything my taxes are spent on but do understand the reasoning of why they choose to invest in x.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_iwxipzy wrote

No that’s not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that if the government is specifically taxing something “because of all the harm it does society” and then doesn’t actually spend that money exclusively on those issues then it’s a fucking scam.


warbeforepeace t1_iwxkdmo wrote

Im not sure what part of the revenue category it falls in but Washington state brought in 53b in 2021. 48b of it is not from alcohol tax.

Companies don't have to disclose alot of information. They use private subsidiaries to hide any detailed financial breakdowns they want. They government is held to a much higher level of transparency than even a public company.


KevinCarbonara t1_iwxkgxr wrote

> Home owners are being crushed under the property tax


The people who bought a house for 300k that is now worth a million dollars are being absolutely CRUSHED under the weight of all that extra money!! They just can't handle all this extra wealth!!

And even with all those laws Washington put in place, protecting them from tax increases so that they get grandfathered in and continue to pay the lower tax rates even as new home buyers get screwed by both inflated housing prices and higher taxes, these older home owners are the real victims!