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Marmotskinner t1_ix2k1ub wrote

Take Amtrak.


ramblinsam t1_ix3wblb wrote

Hadn’t realized the Empire Builder passes through there. Is the town pretty walkable from Icicle Station? This sounds like a good option if we wanted to do an overnight trip from South Sound.


KeeganUniverse t1_ix4hc9l wrote

It would be a bit of a walk into town but I believe there is a bus. Once you’re in town it’s very walkable.


colonelasskicker t1_ix3yfg2 wrote

This is a good reply. We just came from there a few days ago (we drove in our Buick SUV) and a lady from one of the stores who was really nice and helpful told us if we wanted to check out the Christmas stuff to take the Amtrak from where we live to there versus driving through. We only live 2 hours away but when those roads are icy and snowed out it can significantly increase that travel time.

She did tell us the only downside is that the Amtrak leaving Leavenworth to where we live in WA leaves like really early in the mornings and my wife isn’t a morning person at all lol.