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GucciSalad t1_j05ios6 wrote

That's Waterville! Highest elevated (incorporated) city in Washington State!


Calamity_Jesus t1_j08v1jw wrote

Wow, I had no idea.

Only 2,625'? Mountains are definitely a sometimes thing in WA, huh?

My hometown back East (ie: NC) was at 3,333' and we weren't even the tallest incorporated town in the county (it was at 5,506').

Jokes aside, I went through Waterville this past April. The the passes closed unexpectedly due to the late snow storm on my way back West from camping at Steamboat Rock SP, but Snoqualmie closed first, so we were heading for Stevens. The winds were pretty extreme and were causing a decorative trim piece on the roof on my motorhome to flap loudly. I ended up parking next to the hedge at the Exxon station in order to climb on the roof and investigate, .. so that if the wind blew me off I'd at least land on something slightly forgiving.

Beautiful area. The drive on US 2 from Coulee City is impressive. Loads of glacial erratics. Nice descent to Orondo down that canyon, too.