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t1_j12oiub wrote

How can you prove everything is happening because of negligence? Obviously not using chains when posted, but sometimes shit just happens.


OP t1_j12qbow wrote

I don’t think it is outrageous to think information on this topic might exist. It’s not that hard to prove that a car causing an accident doesn’t have traction tires. Or doesn’t have chains on.

But I would like to add that I very clearly expressed in my post that I might be incorrect in this assumption, and would be interested to know if it exists.

Edit: I also never said “everything”.


t1_j15e9dg wrote

Sorry when I wrote "you" I wasn't meaning you specifically. It's just a manner of writing to mean anybody.


OP t1_j15nzac wrote

Ah, just a misunderstanding :)

I do think it could be proven, but I guess it’s a matter of the resources to do it.


t1_j15p014 wrote

I think there probably are studies. But inexperience, say overcorrecting or going too fast for conditions aren't necessarily negligence. I mean right now my street is an ice rink and 10 mph is too fast for conditions.


OP t1_j15pxl5 wrote

I definitely agree about the inexperience. People have to get experience somehow. They should just be considered negligent if they don’t chain up when required. Or if it is very obvious that they were driving too fast for conditions (I.e. damage done to vehicle/guardrails/etc)