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SwiftS021 t1_j1rjime wrote

MORE GUN CONTROL THEN! That'll show the robbers whose boss and NOT legally armed and capable citizens.... /s (for you dimwits)


Unique_Engineering_3 t1_j1rkttf wrote

I hoped you forgot the ā€œ/Sā€ to make it clear that you are bring sarcastic.


SwiftS021 t1_j1rrquu wrote

I kinda hope people can put two and two together with the giant 'NOT' but i suppose I'll help the mentally challenged


Unique_Engineering_3 t1_j1shrn8 wrote

> I kinda hope people can put two and two together with the giant 'NOT' but i suppose I'll help the mentally challenged

How magnanimous of you. šŸ˜…šŸ‘