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Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sx52f wrote

No. But goddamnit this is fucking frustrating that a few dipshit MAGA fucks can fuck with thousands at a time and it’s treated so nonchalantly


Levonorgestrelfairy1 t1_j1sy94j wrote

There not much we can do, thats why they hit these targets.

We need to throw the book at any we might catch and clamp down on those breeding these lone wolves. But sociecity is held togeather on the idea of a common good/interest, broken people who don't want to play by those rules have dozens of targets around them they could attack. We can't protect it all unless we go full ai drones.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sz6hg wrote

The problem is that our “protectors” are significantly sympathetic to the rightwing cause, so they’re not going to vigorously pursue or protect against future attacks.