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[deleted] t1_j1t7w37 wrote


Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1tc7ow wrote

idk man after that democrats and even a lot of far-leftists weren't embracing Willem Van Sponsen, and even the ones that did embrace him quickly forgot about him. CPAC literally did say "we're all domestic terrorists now" to the applaud of thousands and made heroes out of Rittenhouse, and will continue for years to celebrate them and their tactics. Likewise, Michael Roehler shoots a Proud Boy in Portland and gets tracked immediately and extra-judicially murdered in a driveway in Lacey, and meanwhile all the far-right crazies who shot and ran over protestors take weeks to track and maybe get a several month trial with a lenient sentence if they were unlucky.

to y'all, when it's the far-left, it's obviously terrorism, no two words about it, we can't debate this otherwise we're all terrorists too and are part of the antifa network and are paid actors.

but when it's the far-right, we can't point fingers and gotta let the details and facts come in, and you're toootally just an independent thinker with no connections.

stop being a useful idiot, tool.


[deleted] t1_j1tdflt wrote



Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1te3fq wrote

I feel like a conversation would be the long way to find out what you said quite concisely. it would be a waste of time to reconfirm what, as I can now tell, I quite correctly assumed.


dzolympics t1_j1tl17g wrote

Found the antifa member.


Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1u6s7d wrote

what does antifa even mean in your bled out, shriveled brain? I feel like I can't even respond in the affirmative or negative to that, because your understanding of...things, is severely detached from reality, so no matter what I answer you've made up your mind about me and already have a devilish picture inside your head of me wearing all black and wielding a molotov or something. oh, and let me guess; another shitty joke about how I probably wear a mask


Blueprint81 t1_j1ul4el wrote

Member? You don't need a membership to oppose fascism.