Submitted by walklover1212 t3_1017du1 in Washington
Submitted by walklover1212 t3_1017du1 in Washington
I'm on my way!!
It's cold and rainy most of the year. Might as well stay inside and bang.
I'm struggling to imagine how one even accumulates that many
This doesn’t feel statistically accurate
And Oregon has an average of 10? These numbers are nonsense.
It took me two seconds to find the CDC numbers.
Yea I'm nearing that end of my run and that isn't even fucking close.
I’m just spit balling ideas here but Washington (puget sound) is pretty liberal. I feel like liberal leaning people get married later on average than conservatives. So that leaves you more time to run through partners. I could be wrong. All I know is I’m bring that average way down.
I dont even know 54.8 people
They surveyed 3,151 people. WA is ~3.5% of the USA so that's 116 people proportionally representing 7.7 million
Seems way too low.
They also don't say how they picked who filled out the survey.
Not true, I don’t have any
The state is not pretty liberal though, it's solidly marginally liberal. There's certainly selection bias in this survey and they only have 116 people proportionally representing WA
I don’t even know 0.8 people
There's no way that's accurate
Na a couple thousand people is actually quite statistically significant for the country. That being said, I'm sure there's a metric fucktons of flaws with this survey because there's no way in hell it's accurate. Doesn't pass the smell test.
Who the fuck is "Bespoke Surgical" and why would we care about their results? These numbers are stupid.
We seem to enjoy getting fuck by politicians, but the westside keeps voting for Jay and Bob.
They’re counting any sex act, and I’m guessing their sampling wasn’t diverse. No wonder their results are significantly higher than the CDC, which reports opposite sex vaginal, oral, or anal sex partners only.
At one time? Well there goes all my free time. Sounds exhausting.
The CDC numbers are national averages which are still interesting but there are probably certain states that are way below average and some way above average that the cdc doesn’t show or share.
You probably don’t know 54.8 people currently but you probably met 1,000s or 10,000s in a lifetime. And some people meet more than others and some more so in their young adult years, and some people have casual sex more often than others. Every state has their extroverted easy going sexually open and attractive minority that have high body count but survey suggests Washington state might have a larger minority of that type of group.
Bhaha! Add four score and a year!
For attractive extroverted open minded people who regularly go out and meet people, one could get to 50 before age 25. It would be average of 6 partners per year (new partner every two months) from age 18 to 25.
All surveys have their problems. None are or can be perfect but they do reveal something if there is significant differences. In this case, sex partners across states. If not at all accurate, then it shows Washington people more likely to lie in a self reported survey than any other state.
“Where’s the Ho’s atttttt” - Washington State obviously
You can't draw any conclusions from a poorly constructed and methodologically unsound poll other than the pollster is an idiot.
This post seems more about op justifying their body count than anything else
A couple thousand people is probably good enough for getting the average of the country, but a little over a hundred is probably insufficient for getting the average in this part of the country. Sample size is really all that matters, not sample size as a ratio of a whole.
Yeah, whenever people talk about these numbers being impossible, it's very strange to me. My number is certainly not that high, but that's because I got into a committed relationship at 22. If I just kept dating and screwing around at the same rate I was from 18-22 (particularly 21-22) it would have been easy to hit those numbers by 25.
This whole data set is really just an advertisement for the company that performs relevent surgery and medical procedures.
They attribute Washington's spike to grunge music. What?
There is no credibility here at all
Not really, but maybr a little. I kind of thought CA or OR would be higher.
I lost track after about 25-30 decades ago. I guess some people keep meticulous bed post notch records.
I do feel like I get alot in this state where others are staving for coochie
They probably asked a bunch of guys and with the rule of three this brings it down to 17.5 ish. And let’s be honest, Washington guys are prone to embellish a lot so it’s more like 3, give or take 2.
Well, when we’re good at something, we like to share.
I rented a room once from a guy who told me about his conquests that were in the 500+ area. I didn't think much of it but in the 6 months I was there I saw at least 13 people. This guy was 45+ so he'd probably been doing this for a while. So I'm guessing there are a few skewing the numbers higher.
I can see 55 being accurate.
What do you think were the main reasons he was so successful with casual sex? Im assuming they were with women. Was he super attractive? Charming? Funny? Or just not picky?
Most of us just use our hand to count.
The Washington survey may have been done at a bus stop by lowes on aurora.
Oregonians are much uglier.
Very doable if people tend to like you before they get to really know you 🥲
MT160 t1_j2m0hl6 wrote
Liberals like that free love......