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420_Braze_it OP t1_j31rs2w wrote

Don't be disingenuous. Do you know anything about white supremacists? Well I do, and this type of thing is right out of their playbook. There's a famous fiction book that's been very popular with white supremacists for decades called The Turner Diaries and power substation attacks and terrorism are a huge part of how the characters in the book bring about a race war. Yes it is fiction, but they treat it like a manual. "Left wing" terrorism is extremely uncommon these days. Anyone who's paying attention can see that at least 90% of the time the far right fascist groups are the ones doing terrorism in this country.

Sure, there are a lot of white supremacists that do run drugs, but a lot of them actually hate that stuff because they think it's "hurting the master race" by getting white people addicted to drugs. Fuck both kinds, they're are equally bad and dangerous but that's just the way some of them think.


[deleted] t1_j33sf36 wrote



nikdahl t1_j34k1e5 wrote

The insurrection is part of it, but have you heard of the Oklahoma City Bombing?

Buffalo Shooting?

Highland Park Parade shooting?

Nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs?

Those Boogaloo shootings in CA?

El Paso Walmart shooting?

Pittsburgh Mosque?


Portland Train attack?

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood?

Overland Park Jewish shootings?

Gabby Giffords shooting?

Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting?

LAX shooting?

Or the numerous examples of right wing terrorists coming into cities to attack residents?

I mean fuck, even 9/11 was right wing terrorism. Do you really have that poor of a memory?


[deleted] t1_j35a6by wrote



nikdahl t1_j35cltr wrote

If they have political motivations, it's right wing terrorism, regardless of whether they are part of some larger group. Even if they are "crazy mentally ill" because you don't see "crazy mentally ill" shootings from "left wing terrorism" like you do from the right.

Yes, 9/11, really. It was right wing terrorism, and I only included it due to the severity of the attack since it was over 20 years ago now. But if we want to keep going further, I could. This is no where near an exhaustive list.

You can stick your head in the sand if you want, and pretend that this isn't an issue, and that everything is fake news, but you would be fooling yourself.


masterkorey7 t1_j31sic9 wrote

I actually have a ton of experience with white supremacists groups in this state. My extended family was murdered by them in Kitsap. They are more into running drugs and staying off the radar especially here in WA.


Tyree_Callahan t1_j322zw4 wrote

Off the radar? You are full of shit. They show up at all sorts of rallies and cause very visible trouble.


EvilPsyentist t1_j32t7vf wrote

Uh, no. The Banditos are a biker gang and they killed those people because the guy was a drug runner, not the bikers. So, your experience is with extended family that got smoked doing deals with better criminals.


[deleted] t1_j32uutq wrote



EvilPsyentist t1_j32v7v1 wrote

It changes the fact that you think you have some source for information, because you don't have one.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j31ss70 wrote

I hope you're right. I'm sorry for your loss man. Hopefully my comment didn't come across as rude. I'm just frustrated that people don't take the threat these groups pose seriously.


masterkorey7 t1_j31tfei wrote

No offense but people in WA are so liberal and left leaning that they get tunnel vision "it couldn't possibly be left leaning eco terrorists" "it's the white supremacists!" look up the careaga murders. These guys in WA state are extremely political in the sense that they don't do anything without orders from the top of chain, an attack like this screams disorganized and stupid which isn't something they would do...not only that they have real guns...not whatever 3rd world shit it was these guys had.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j31w0c1 wrote

Fair enough. I do think you're probably right about the fact that they don't do anything without the "OK" from up top, and I'm really baffled the only guns they found were those sorry excuses. That's part of why I find it bizarre though. I just really don't see how doing this attack would serve any kind of left wing goals at all though.


nikdahl t1_j34hra9 wrote

You must be talking about different white supremacy groups then. They are very active in WA


AdventureBum t1_j3342vm wrote

Was that before or after trump normalized racism again?