Submitted by OldManJared t3_109skb4 in Washington
benadrylpill t1_j416idt wrote
Why is it so hard to just not drink at all if you're going to be driving?
foreverhalcyon8 t1_j41esaq wrote
myfugi t1_j43iq24 wrote
I grew up in the Tri-Cities; it’s not so rural you can’t call a cab. I currently live in Pullman, a much smaller town, it’s also not so rural you can’t call a cab.
We (hubs and I) do not drink and drive. At all. Ever. If one of us has a glass of wine with dinner the other is having water or tea so they can do the driving. If we want to drink together we take a cab or walk to wherever we’re going so we don’t even have the option to drink and drive. It’s really not that difficult, and rurality is not an excuse. If your town is so small there aren’t cabs or ride share then you can probably walk to where you’re going. If you’re so far out that you aren’t in a town, throw a party, and drink at home, have your guests bring tents and RVs so no-one drinks and drives.
I get that people like to drink, and public transport in rural areas sucks, but it’s not worth killing someone over.
VaeVictis997 t1_j41nvlr wrote
Even in cities the transit shuts down before the bars. In anyplace rural, there is no transit.
Tossing someone in jail because they had 3 IPAs over the course of an evening at a friends house and then drove home on an empty road at 1 am is absurd.
That’s part of it, there is a huge difference between trying to manage city and highway traffic and a country road where you won’t see another car.
[deleted] t1_j4248w5 wrote
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41glfu wrote
Because many, many social events, even religious events, involve imbibing small amounts of alcohol. If we're going this far, we should also make it illegal to eat in your car, listen to the radio or talk to passengers.
adubski23 t1_j41mvji wrote
No, but eliminating drunk drivers-even religious ones—is a great idea.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41nrzp wrote
.08 does that. If you redefine drunk, the question is circular. Set it at .0001, you'll find even more "drunks".
There would need to be some strong science on this to convince me, and so far all I see is hysterical moralism, and by God, we're full up on that at the moment.
doktorhladnjak t1_j422xx8 wrote
The difference is that at 0.0001, there is no evidence of impaired function. At 0.05, there is. You don’t have to feel drunk or even buzzed to have a slowed reaction time.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j423a5s wrote
Great, now do you have any links showing this to be true? I stopped believing everything I read on social media years ago.
doktorhladnjak t1_j42mszt wrote
DeaditeMessiah t1_j43bjeb wrote
Not doing it for you, sorry.
adubski23 t1_j41qfv1 wrote
Two things. You seem to overestimate the value of your opinions, and there’s plenty of room to lock up more drunks.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41s7y5 wrote
Facts please.
Hopsblues t1_j42lukd wrote
You aren't supposed to eat while driving already. Same with phones.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j43bfk1 wrote
Not just while driving. Having greasy surfaces kills millions every year! Haven't you heard??
Why do you hate the children?
benadrylpill t1_j41mpp3 wrote
You don't have to drink alcohol just because it's there. You also probably shouldn't eat while driving, either.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41o0dz wrote
How about driving with arguing kids in the back? I definitely think we should ban that. And I'm not providing any support either, just emptily implying anyone who disagrees is bad.
benadrylpill t1_j41odke wrote
Who said anything about banning? It sounds like you literally cannot avoid alcohol if you are around it. There's nothing wrong whatsoever with the suggestion that if you're driving, just don't drink. Nothing. You have self control or you don't. It sounds like you don't.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41pbo0 wrote
Nice change of subject, and a pivot to shame. Do you think we should abolish anything that increases accident rates or not?
TastyTeeth t1_j41rb1o wrote
You should read through this guys post history and it will explain everything.
benadrylpill t1_j41pn69 wrote
I never said that or even implied it. Stop trying to create an argument that isn't there.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41scjp wrote
Ok, so if we aren't worried about accident rates, what is the actual issue here?
benadrylpill t1_j41slt2 wrote
What's with you, man? Why are you so offended by being told to not drink? Are you an alcoholic in denial or something?Just don't drink and drive. That's it. Period. Nothing else to be said.
DeaditeMessiah t1_j41tj33 wrote
I'm offended by non-stop attempts to turn this into a police state where the police don't solve serious crimes. If you don't like ANY drinking, move to Saudi Arabia.
Until then, I want to see facts about how many accidents this would prevent, not more sanctimonious moralizing.
[deleted] t1_j41wewb wrote
doktorhladnjak t1_j422of2 wrote
rubix_redux t1_j4330t9 wrote
America's public transit that is shitty on purpose + Uber/Lyft prices being unreasonably high during times when people want to go out + not wanting to leave your car at the bar because it might get towed.
zer04ll t1_j41t7a7 wrote
western civilization was built on booze, at one point you didnt drink water it would kill you so they drank beer.
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