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t1_j53j26f wrote

If anybody died under his care he should be charged with voluntary manslaughter.


t1_j52ms5o wrote

Abolish the state


t1_j53gt8h wrote

And then how does society function? Like who paves I-82?


t1_j557zs9 wrote

Who built the roads before the IRS was formed?


t1_j55r8kz wrote

Automobiles didn't exist in 1862 you dense twat.


t1_j55uira wrote

We don't need government


t1_j56377q wrote

Great argument. You got me.


t1_j563m9u wrote

Do government employees build the roads?


t1_j56fsdk wrote

The contracted company is arranged and paid for by the government via our taxes. Are you going to collect money from everyone in your community and then arrange for infrastructure to be built and maintained? Because then you’d be government


t1_j57ktt8 wrote

No, I'm not and don't believe it's necessary. I believe it's morally wrong to extort people using coercion and the threat of violence no matter the justification. Government has nothing that it hasn't taken from others and exists only to manipulate and force people to the will of corrupt politicians. It's a very uncivilized society.


t1_j595wiz wrote

K, so who’s gonna build and maintain infrastructure so that free trade can exist?


t1_j5bfam7 wrote

Corporations are a creation of the state, but there's no reason businesses can't join together and maintain roadways. The transportation industry can take over most roadways and maintain them in order to move their goods. The same people that actually build and maintain the roads now can still build and maintain the roads. The price of maintaining the roads will be passed on to the consumer equally and without corrupt government. No theft, no coercion, is necessary for a peaceful and voluntary society.


t1_j5bhio2 wrote

So you’d trust a bunch of billionaire ceos over elected officials. Got it


t1_j5bhrdl wrote

I don't trust either one. Why do you insist upon stealing from others and using government to manipulate others to the will of corrupt politicians?


t1_j5bk0nr wrote

It’s supposed to be crowd funding for supplying community food and services, but you’re right, too much of our money goes towards an inflated military budget.


t1_j5bkjy3 wrote

100% agree with money not going where it should. Between the military and the politicians getting rich off of the corruption it's completely unacceptable and not something I can support.


t1_j55wh22 wrote

The roads in Judea were paved with the money collected by St. Matthew the tax collector.