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domestication_never t1_j5u8vse wrote

There is nothing stopping Seattle upzoning itself like Spokane did. About 5 cities in WA have significantly upzoned already.


VGSchadenfreude t1_j5x00w7 wrote

I just wish people would keep in mind that a diverse range of options need to be available. Not just vertical, overpriced townhomes. We need townhomes, apartments, condos, 5-over-1s, etc.

I’ve been outright told in other subreddits that disabled people who can’t use stairs are basically expendable and should be forced out into the suburbs where they have no transportation and no access to any of the services they need, just because it’s “too much effort” to build high-density housing that is also ADA-compliant or at least doesn’t having living spaces separated by stairs.