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[deleted] OP t1_j68yh7f wrote

That same question about Eastern Washington has one answer. ALL OF IT. I hate living on the east side. There's more ignorance here than at a flat earth society meeting.


deafboy13 t1_j6c2bpe wrote

Technically more central Washington, but the towns in the Methow Valley are pretty liberal


Jolaasen t1_j6lac51 wrote

Is that a good thing?


deafboy13 t1_j6lat8u wrote

Depends what way you lean I suppose. Just saying there are places on the east side of the mountains that are left leaning.


ThePopesicle t1_j69e2fu wrote

My usual gas station i stop at in ritzville has a guy that just plays tucker carlson over the speakers every time I’m there lol


Jordaneer t1_j6c2khe wrote

I live in Idaho next to Washington, at least in Washington the nutjobs are often outvoted by the more sane people from the westside, here all the stupid fucks get elected


Jolaasen t1_j6bgtx5 wrote

At least they’re more sane than most of Seattle.