Recent comments in /f/Washington
DerekL1963 t1_je6uraw wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
If I had my druthers, I'd live somewhere North of Riddell Rd. and generally along or East of Central Valley Rd. (Links go to Google Maps.) That's basically the East side of Silverdale and a bit of the North end of Bremerton. It's about as central as you can get in Kitsap County without living in the dense(er) core of Silverdale.
There's quite a bit of older neighborhoods in that area, and some "country (ish)" areas without being out in the actual boondocks.
Whether you'd want to live there rather than Port Orchard really depends on where you'll be working. You really don't want to go through Gorst on a regular basis if you can avoid it, especially during rush hour. It gets pretty nasty through there, and there's a blocking accident every month or so it seems.
dammets t1_je6ujiv wrote
I went to gold creek late summer during the smoke season and it was beautiful. This pic still blew me away. There was no smoke when I went but I wonder if it’s even better there during July or august.
jusstabean OP t1_je6tiag wrote
Reply to comment by BananaPeelSlippers in We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful state 🌲 by jusstabean
This photo is from August 2021
Yoloswaggins89 t1_je6t957 wrote
BananaPeelSlippers t1_je6spmu wrote
When did you take this? Wondering if it’s still snow shoe conditions atm
[deleted] t1_je6save wrote
Reply to comment by DerekL1963 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Don’t know I don’t go to Ivar’s lol? I do however go to local fish markets where there is local crab, oysters, clams, mussels, salmon, cod, halibut, shrimp, and prawn. Plenty of stuff that is local and fresh. The salmon/fish coming from Alaska is sold locally as well. You should really try buying some local seafood because it definitively is a big deal.
ajdrc9 t1_je6s89z wrote
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je6prbs wrote
Reply to comment by DerekL1963 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Any specific area you would recommend in Kitsnap? I'm mainly focused on Port Orchard and Silverdale atm
katcomesback t1_je6men0 wrote
Reply to comment by savvy-librarian in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
or marlene’s!
DerekL1963 t1_je6lt3d wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
>mainly want to find a good place for the kids to play without people zooming by side streets going 40mph like here in FL.
You'll find those here in Kitsap too, it just depends on exactly where you live... Kitsap and the peninsula in general have everything from dense generic suburbia to deep woods and almost everything else in between.
DerekL1963 t1_je6l8m4 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
No, there's no large chain equivalent to Publix in terms of quality. Plenty of individual stores and smaller chains though.
DerekL1963 t1_je6l094 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
My standard is that of what I experienced growing up in Jacksonville (FL) in the 70's... When you could go down to Mayport and find fish markets and restaurants run by the folks who owned the boats (or their relatives) or folks that bought straight from the boats. That's not really what you'll find here. (And by and large it's not what you'll find there anymore either.)
Seafood is a big deal at upper end places... But there's pretty much no crab or shrimp shacks. Chain groceries are of course chain groceries.
Yes, Silverdale is North of Bremerton, and it's kind of the ideal place to live in the county in terms of access to places things.
DerekL1963 t1_je6jtdu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
I didn't say it "wasn't a thing", I said it wasn't a big deal. And it isn't.
And yes, vast quantities of seafood flows *through* Washington. Very, very little of it *stays* here. And of what does stay here and is served here, the vast majority of it isn't fresh caught - it's flash frozen just like it is everywhere else. I mean, where do you think Ivar's get the salmon that's on today's menu?
savvy-librarian t1_je6dz7w wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
For great bread you'll want to check out Metropolitan Market. They also have an incredible cheese selection and a pretty good grocery store deli that serves pasta to order in addition to more traditional grocery store deli staples.
jusstabean t1_je6dvwy wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
My brother lives in Seattle & loves it. We love to visit but can't imagine living on that side of the bridge. Hope you guys find something you love here!
DaneCz123 OP t1_je6cpei wrote
Reply to comment by PNW_Bro in Currently writing a book and the setting is in Eastern Washington. Would really appreciate some input by DaneCz123
Will definitely give them a read!
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je6aztu wrote
Reply to comment by DerekL1963 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Surprising to hear about seafood. Would think crab and salmon season would be good there considering proximity. We're also looking at Silverdale fwiw, that's N of Bremerton I believe.
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je6aqso wrote
Reply to comment by jusstabean in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Yea, I figured as much, but it seems a little more insulated from traffic and crime than Tacoma but still good schools. It also seems more green, but I don't know. Will check them out before we buy something, mainly want to find a good place for the kids to play without people zooming by side streets going 40mph like here in FL.
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je6adkw wrote
Reply to comment by fcdemergency in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Haha, guilty pleasure eating. Yea, I'll miss that. Was looking for an Italian Market anywhere in the area and couldn't find anything. Seems like a great place to open a deli or market..hell, I would be happy with a WaWa!
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je6a0ik wrote
Reply to comment by savvy-librarian in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
I'm ok with making my own, decent bread and supermarkets there? Publix here has good bread and lunch meat but not sure the equivalent in Washington. Maybe Krogers?
Ok-Gift-7013 OP t1_je69ucc wrote
Reply to comment by ThurstonHowell3rd in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
Thanks! Yea, I'm looking forward to summer but don't know how I'm gonna deal with no sun all winter. Maybe take a trip to the East to find some sunlight so I don't go crazy lol
TheGruntingGoat t1_je69bf3 wrote
Reply to comment by anti-zastava in As an Oregonian, I’m biased…but DAMN Seattle was gorgeous last night. by Darkpony1
Love how Portland lives in the minds of right-wing nut jobs for rent free.
[deleted] t1_je64db0 wrote
Reply to comment by DerekL1963 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013
What? Seafood is most definitely a thing. You realize you can get local seafood from the Puget Sound and Salish Sea, right? Not to mention the TONS of salmon coming up our rivers in the Summer and all the seafood coming from Alaska to be processed/shipped in WA.
BDiddy0319 t1_je63i78 wrote
I wish we got colors like California. But then that also requires crappy air. Life is full of compromises I guess.
[deleted] t1_je6vhx0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Gift-7013 in Food Scene in Washington? by Ok-Gift-7013