Recent comments in /f/Washington

usernameexistsalread t1_je7lytv wrote

Tent camping can be really miserable but if in an RV it's definitely better. On very windy days going for a walk is hard. Just a heads up there's a train that goes through horsethief that blows it's horn at a nearby crossing, even at night


lred1 t1_je7f30k wrote

Well then, yep, it could be quite windy.

I'm curious, any particular reason you chose to camp there? Having been coming to the Gorge for two or three decades, not only have I never stayed there, but I don't recall ever hearing of anybody staying there.


NWbearbeard OP t1_je7e7u0 wrote

Hmmm…”plan accordingly” is a phrase I’ve read repeatedly. Hoping for a bit of elaboration. Stake down stuff, ok. Use rocks to hold down anything light, ok. Bring warm clothes, ok. Keep fires small in an enclosed fire pit even if allowed. Anything else a person not used to camping in windy conditions should know?


lred1 t1_je7bobk wrote

It VERY much depends on where you camp. If you camp near the water, or on some exposed hillside, you may very well get some strong winds. Otherwise you are most likely very much sufficiently wind shaded. This is not something you should worry about.