Recent comments in /f/Washington
IncapableOfLaughing t1_jedgws5 wrote
Reply to comment by SereneDreams03 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
It's meaningless.
They can test you the first minute of your first day and fire you because they don't like the socks you're wearing.
DarklySalted t1_jedfvja wrote
Reply to comment by Negan1995 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
Just did it bro, my life is a thousand times better.
Merfkin t1_jedczo3 wrote
Reply to comment by alskaman in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
I think hospitals would still have to test due to federal regulations/licensure
mrswissmiss t1_jed959v wrote
Reply to comment by Negan1995 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
I'm originally from Chicago and have been in Seattle for 6 months now. By far the mildest winter I've ever experienced. I was worried about the rain and cloudiness before coming out here as well, but the rain hardly is more than a drizzle. Plus the warm temperatures and more accepting people easily make up for having less sun in the winter
Gekokapowco t1_jed7m3i wrote
Reply to comment by Negan1995 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
often, but the rain usually just sprinkles compared to anywhere else in the US. Gray drizzle is the usual weather here, second is perfectly sunny with blue skies. There was like one or two actual rainstorms last year.
LiveNet2723 t1_jed6gq8 wrote
Reply to Antiques in Kalama by Captainpaul81
Stayed Mcmenamins Kalama Harbor Lodge in 2021. We had a room overlooking the river. Highly recommended.
alskaman t1_jecyu39 wrote
Reply to Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
Would this be for all jobs? Government, hospitals, schools etc?
Obvious_copout t1_jecnaam wrote
Reply to WA Teachers give me your thoughts by Wferguson11
Western Washington and populated areas of eastern Washington all pay considerably higher than any red state. Teachers in Washington are union members and we have a very strong union so our pay, benefits, working conditions are better but we experience the same educational issues as everywhere. Consider what you are looking for as far as big city vs suburb vs rural. I teach in rural Olympic Peninsula my pay is about $20,000 less than districts along I-5, but I still make $82,000 after 9 years.
rawbery79 t1_jecn1hq wrote
Reply to comment by DaneCz123 in Currently writing a book and the setting is in Eastern Washington. Would really appreciate some input by DaneCz123
I used to work there, so I shelved many a book in that special collection section. There's a lot. If you really wanted to get deep in the weeds, you could almost come spend a day or so looking through everything...but you can probably just request some things. Some they can't interlibrary loan, but quite a bit can.
Soosietyrell t1_jecmqao wrote
Reply to comment by southcounty253 in Great view of the River and three old lakes! by RippingLegos
It was actually quite a big deal. Dad was the corporal with the high security clearance who sat with the guys with the keys on the late shift. He only recently started talking about it - took that 50 year NDA seriously. I am learning some stuff. Sounds like your family knows some stuff too!
DaneCz123 OP t1_jecmgjq wrote
Reply to comment by rawbery79 in Currently writing a book and the setting is in Eastern Washington. Would really appreciate some input by DaneCz123
Thank you so much for filling it out!! I haven't read your response yet but will look into that library. Thank you so much for telling me that!
JoanJetObjective13 t1_jecgji4 wrote
Reply to Antiques in Kalama by Captainpaul81
We used to go thru Kalama frequently and we always stopped to eat at the Kalama Inn Restaurant because Mom and Auntie loved their liver and onions on the senior menu. Great burgers, grilled cheese, homemade soup and pie… Old, advertises that Bob Hope and Elvis stayed once at their Inn. Kalama has an awesome totem pole that was the world’s largest from a single cedar, it’s displayed laying down because it rotted and it’s down by the water. With another standing pole.
[deleted] t1_jecfbh1 wrote
Reply to comment by Negan1995 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
GreenThumbFun t1_jeccujw wrote
Reply to comment by sdyawg in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
Umbrella, what's that? lol 😆 Some people say, that's how you can tell who's not a local. When we first moved to WA, 12 years ago, I, too, carried an umbrella. Now, I just wear a coat with a hood.
RolandMT32 t1_jec9kcj wrote
I feel like it would be hard to do unless the whole country does it. If the rest of the country still uses the imperial units, the state will still need to deal with that.
ith-man t1_jec5qy0 wrote
Reply to comment by Negan1995 in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
Ditto, from arkansas. Looking to move near vancouver in 2 years.
ith-man t1_jec5jf1 wrote
Reply to Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
rawbery79 t1_jec3xvv wrote
Reply to Currently writing a book and the setting is in Eastern Washington. Would really appreciate some input by DaneCz123
I filled out your survey, but I'll repeat it here: contact NCW Libraries in Wenatchee - they have a giant Pacific Northwest collection and you may be able to interlibrary loan some of it.
Rocketgirl8097 t1_jec2rgs wrote
Reply to comment by Limp_Result7675 in Would you support metrication in Washington? by Anything-Complex
Agreed. I dont have a scale either though.
anybodyiwant2be t1_jec287t wrote
Reply to Antiques in Kalama by Captainpaul81
I’ve stayed in a couple McMenamins (Troutdale & Centralia) and loved their character. The one in Centralia right next to RR tracks do that was noticeable and I see the one in Kalama is as well but I’ll bet the River side is awesome.
peanutbuttermmz t1_jebu444 wrote
Reply to Antiques in Kalama by Captainpaul81
I’ve been to Mcmennimans to eat, I haven’t stayed in the hotel. I’d recommend it. Woodland wa, just a tiny bit south has some boutique shops as well
Limp_Result7675 t1_jebr0oa wrote
Reply to comment by Rocketgirl8097 in Would you support metrication in Washington? by Anything-Complex
My wife is a cook - she says recipes using weights are more consistent than volume no matter your units preference but I think you are missing a connection... if you are using weights (grams) you need a scale... period - none of those books will tell you a universal gram to teaspoon conversion and there is not metric equivalent to a teaspoon... but if you do find yourself with a cookbook mentioning weight/grams just plop it in a container on your scale (hell that container can be a half cup measuring cup) and move along.
KevinCarbonara t1_jebpr1l wrote
Reply to comment by chucklehEDWIN in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
> Summers aren’t so bad.
I would go further and say that summers are incredible. There's a lot of light. The day never ends. Rain is much less frequent, and actually refreshing when it does occur. It gets warm, but not incredibly hot. Only downside is how much denial people are in over the temperature, to the point they don't even have AC. That is a big mistake.
KevinCarbonara t1_jebpd0g wrote
Reply to comment by aithendodge in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
> And “The Long Dark” doesn’t really hit people until they experience it.
This is true. People seem to think it will only affect you if you have SAD. But SAD is relative. We have a biological need for sunlight. Some people will have symptoms anywhere. But here, you have to make a specific effort to get your sunlight and vitamin d.
I never had issues before, even when it got very cold or very dark, because it wasn't so permanent. But now I'm really considering buying one of those blue light therapy things. Only reason I haven't is that I feel like I could make my own much cheaper.
SereneDreams03 t1_jedhtho wrote
Reply to comment by IncapableOfLaughing in Washington Lawmakers Advance Legislation Barring Pre-Employment Tests for Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
The employer would need cause to drug test for most jobs.
It is definitely not meaningless. Even if some companies try and get around the rules like you are suggesting, it would be a whole lot more hassle for companies to come up with some reasoning to send one of their newly hired employees to go and get a drug test on their first day. Then, once again, come up with some bs reasoning to fire them without cause. That sounds like a recipe for a lawsuit to me.
I'm not saying it will never happen, but I definitely do not see it being as prevalent as pre-employment drug screening is currently.