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_Strid_ t1_ja2apj8 wrote

I'd be cool with all of this if I didn't pay an excise tax. Anything less than an adequate job in this situation is criminal, but not on the workers, on the towns.


oceanwave4444 t1_ja32wuy wrote

Absolutely. Not just the town I work for, but the town I live in - My taxes are higher than my mortgage. The mismanagement of funds is atrocious. The town I live in installed a 6.5 million dollar astroturf field but the kids can’t attend school because the high school roof leaks. Or our new million dollar fucking pickle ball court but can’t afford to do a total reclaim of some of the worst roads in town, where there is literally No remaining pavement.

One of the main reasons my department is so short staffed is because we haven’t been reclassified or been given a raise in 6 years. My master diesel mechanic is leaving because he can make more money flipping burgers at McDonald’s than BEING A MASTER DIESEL mechanic. I can’t get bodies in trucks because folks can’t afford to feed their families without a second job, but this job doesn’t allow you to have a second job. It’s just awful, the only way to fix it is to be active and vocal in your local government, but even if you are you get ignored because the seniors value the pickle ball courts over the other stuff because they are the loudest and have the most time on their hands.

Okay, I’m done ranting now lol 😮‍💨