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MARetro t1_ja893hv wrote

Definitely get some insulated / wool socks and a nice winter jacket.

You can go almost anywhere to get one. I have just a standard fake wool coat from Old Navy and an Adidas branded skiing jacket and do just fine. The socks help. Boots will help as well. I recommend insulated boots. Most can be bought online or at a local store, but you'll get better deals online.

This is my exact jacket:

This is my other jacket:

These are my boots:

Dick's Sporting goods and LL Bean are nearby and they'll have better winter gear. It all comes down to your personal preferences.

I wouldn't spend TOO much on winter clothes though - The REALLY cold weather only lasts a short period of time and like last winter, it never came. A couple weeks ago here, it was below 0F, but then a few days later, you could go outside with a tee shirt on. I wouldn't spend more than $100 on boots or a jacket, and those are going to be the most expensive purchases for winter clothes. If you're starting in the fall, you can even wait until next November's Black Friday sales and just buy something then. October - December are moderately cold and you can usually get by with a lighter winter jacket or some hoodies.

Public transport and apartments I cannot help with as I drive and live outside of the city.