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[deleted] OP t1_ja8ne31 wrote


outb0undflight t1_ja8o7w4 wrote

> But she says "Anglo," so it's pretty clear they weren't Latinx.

Which if true completely transforms what you're saying and is a valid point but it's literally nowhere in your original post. You can't not include relevant details and then be shocked when people call you out because your post makes it look like you think being simultaneously white and Latino is impossible.

But it isn't true, she doesn't say her birth parents are 'Anglo,' she says her adopted family was. She identifies them as 'Anglo' when the question's first asked at around 9:50 and then again when she details the ethnicity of her birth parents she says she was 'raised by an Anglo family.'

Never does she refer to her birth parents as Anglo. She says at one point that her mother is part English, but that's about it.


[deleted] OP t1_ja8p9x6 wrote



outb0undflight t1_ja8vq8g wrote

No worries. So while we're on the topic of leaving out relevant information, there a reason you also left out that in the video you linked she explicitly says her father's Columbian at 11:35? Seems like that's pretty relevant.


[deleted] OP t1_ja92xj0 wrote



CatumEntanglement t1_ja93hqf wrote

>I guess you could claim Latinx based on that...?

Yes. And you know the answer is yes. Stop carrying water for white supremacist groups.

Since you claim you're Jewish, I think we all should call into question the validity of your heritage, too. Just so it's fair.


[deleted] OP t1_ja947sg wrote



CatumEntanglement t1_ja94qmg wrote

Your post history is public, bro. Litteraly, the first thing people see is you commenting on your shul and looking for Jewish allies.


[deleted] OP t1_ja95g9c wrote



CatumEntanglement t1_ja97lmn wrote

I just am doing my due diligence because your post is dogwhistling racism like a tornado siren....and I was looking to see if you're a troll from r/conspiracy or a proud boy member. Instead, how interesting that you're also Jewish. But then, you decide to go off that someone isn't "pure" enough to be considered Latino when their father is part Latino. Ahh, yes, you wanting to be the artbuter of "purity." That opinion is especially fucked up given our own jewish history.


[deleted] OP t1_ja98nv6 wrote



CatumEntanglement t1_ja99jg3 wrote

Reddit is public, you racist asshole.


[deleted] OP t1_ja99xyd wrote



outb0undflight t1_ja9b52j wrote

> And by the way, if someone has a father who's part Jewish: they're generally not considered Jewish. I'm sure we know that, though, don't we.

Are you...are you trying to apply matrilineal descent in Judaism to Columbians?


CatumEntanglement t1_ja9blgi wrote

>And by the way, if someone has a father who's part Jewish: they're generally not considered Jewish.

Oh shit, so you're a racist against fellow Jews, too...thinking someone's not "Jewish enough" if their mother isn't Jewish. Genetics doesn't work that way, asshole. Quelle that's the least surprising thing you could say, given everything else you've said about purity tests for latinos on this thread. You're like...objectively terrible.


[deleted] OP t1_ja9cap9 wrote



CatumEntanglement t1_ja9dj84 wrote

You obviously can't be bothered to acknowledge that being Jewish is an ethnicity that doesn't have to come with religion. I know lots of people who are ethical jews but are atheist or non-practicing. That doesn't make them ANY LESS Jewish. Having a Sephardic or Ashkenazi father and non-jewish mother also doesn't make them any less ethically Jewish. Your stone aged racism of purity tests need to fuck off.... it's like you're stuck in some pre-holocaust headspace.


outb0undflight t1_ja941mz wrote

So, you guess that being of Latin American ancestry allows you to 'claim' to be Latinx? You don't think that's just like...the definition?


CatumEntanglement t1_ja94ug0 wrote

I think we're at the point of the racist being mask-off at this point in the prodding.


CatumEntanglement t1_ja9cj5h wrote

This crappy dude is now going off on his own Jewish purity tests... that someone isn't really Jewish if their mother wasn't Jewish. Like genetics don't work that way. Plus being Jewish is an ethnicity and doesn't necessarily mean someone practices Judaism. Like I know plenty ethnically Jewish people who are atheist, and that doesn't make their heritage any less Jewish. But apparently, this douchenozzle doesn't understand how heritage works.