Submitted by MockieAhCork t3_11e6myw in WorcesterMA

Hi Folks- I’ll be relocating from Ireland to USA shortly and Worcester is on the short list of locations (along with West Springfield and Albany areas). I’m trying to get a feel for the cost of things. How much is the average pint/cocktail? And what are the best pubs for a Gen-X couple to go to? I’m American (lived part of my life in Worcester area) and my partner is very Irish (never lived outside Cork City before). Thanks!



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Oyadonchano t1_jacr2cq wrote

Beer scene has really blown up here, so you'll see a lot of places with craft taps for $7-10 or above. But a regular lager will be $3-6 depending on the place (check out Hotel Vernon for the cheaper end). Cocktail scene here is sad and not worth mentioning.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jactu16 wrote

Thank you, will check out the cheaper end so! Not much into craft beer (too hoppy). Partner John likes Guinness in Ireland, but says it doesn’t travel well so he doesn’t drink it in US. My dad got him into Yeungling so that’ll probably be his go-to. I’m happy with Bud/Bud Light.


SweetHatDisc t1_jactzgr wrote

The good news is, about half of the people who graduated from Worcester colleges in the past ten years seem to have opened a brewery, so there is an absolutely amazing variety of locally produced craft brews available.


cmajka8 t1_jacxt3b wrote

Am i understanding this correctly…are you basing your new location on the cost of a cheap pint of bud light?!


Webhoard t1_jacy4j6 wrote

Your partner thinks Guinness loses its quality on the voyage to the States so chooses Yuengling as it's replacement?

While I've drank my fair share of Yuengling, I wouldn't abandon even a poor Guinness pour for it.

Scruffy Murphys has good beer prices. I think I was paying $6.50 for a pint of Guinness. I imagine domestics are even more reasonably priced.


Sbonkers t1_jacywf0 wrote

You can get Tayto and Club Orange at Emerald Meats.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaczn0f wrote

Somewhat? I’m not into craft beer myself. I like Bud/Bud Light - basically a light lager. Trying to see what the prices are like (I’m coming from paying over €5 for a pint of Bud - about $5.50) and more interested in places that have regular draft beer than specialising in Craft beer. And trying to get a feel for what to expect price-wise while finding places good for us middle-aged kids.


cmajka8 t1_jaczvxn wrote

Well, I think a pint of bud light will be the same anywhere out of those 3 cities. Also, you can get a 30 rack of those for your house fairly cheap. Do you have any other criteria??


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad0goh wrote

Blame my Dad on the Yuengling! He got him hooked. I think all Guinness tastes cat, US and Ireland. But Irish people are fierce protective of their Guinness and won’t drink a poor pint.


latinomartino t1_jad0yq4 wrote

Have you heard of the McDonalds Index? How much McD’s costs in a country compared to other countries tells you about the wealth of the country. This is a real tool economists use.

Asking about beer prices isn’t the craziest thing. If Boston bars sell Bud light for $5 but you can get it in Worcester for $3 that tells you something about the Worcester economy.

OP, you don’t like fancy beer, so you probably will hate it, but treehouse brewing has amazing beer. Fantastic IPA’s but also great other beers. Would look at it


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad12q0 wrote

For pubs, we love live music! And also should be welcoming/comfortable to people in their early 50s. A ‘Local’ where you can get to be known by (and ultimately become) a regular. Good craic.


pdillon69 t1_jad34eu wrote

Worcester is much better than Springfield, Albany isn’t great either. Good Irish community in Worcester. Some of the pubs here will air the hurling/soccer games from Ireland.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad3vta wrote

That’s important for my partner (Cork GAA, Liverpool) and son (Arsenal). Worcester is at the top of my wish list, mostly because that’s where I’ve lived albeit a long time ago (Paxton/Oakham) and my brother lives in Chelmsford so would be nice to be close to family. Plus, promised ex-husband easy access - Boston to Dublin flights - for the kids’ sakes. But, it all depends on housing and a job -where I can find them!


Competitive-Read1543 t1_jad4fyz wrote

What's making you return? I moved back to Albania and have night terrors from time to time thinking that my family and I never made the move in the 1st place. Europe is in a league of its own especially compared to how rich Ireland is, and the states (especially Worcester) has gone down hill and fast. Everyone has different reasons for moving of course, but try to be a little more analytical


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad6jue wrote

Ireland has been my home for the past 18 years, but I am an American and America is home. My parents getting older and wanting to spend as much time with them is a driving factor. Plus, Ireland is a difficult country to get older in; everything takes so much effort! I want an easier life. Ireland is an expensive country, and the salaries don’t match the cost of living so there is very little money left over at the end of the month. And I miss baseball. And summer weather. And my kids (teenagers) want to experience American high school. So many more reasons. I’ll always have one foot in Ireland, but I am definitely ready for a move back.


lukewarm_sax t1_jad8r40 wrote

Steel & Wire has $3 Narragansetts, that's the cheapest I've seen in Worcester in recent times in a nice vibey setting. I'm sure some of the really divey places have similarly cheap beers, I bet Ralph's Diner has comparable prices but I haven't been in a while.


Webhoard t1_jad9ee6 wrote

It's probably a phase lol

I think I drank 8 cases of Yuengling in a year when I decided I liked it. I was like having one a night. Then two. Then I found reasons to have it - like while mowing or washing the car. I read about people having shower beers, so I took one to the shower with me. That's when my wife caught me. 😢 She didn't disapprove of me having my beer in the shower. But she didn't want to join, either. It's about that time I decided to go to the redemption center. I figured it was time to clean house. I got $35 back in recycled cans. It was a real eyeopener. I've scaled back since then.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jadekvm wrote

No, but most things are cheapER than Ireland. That’s why Albany and Springfield are in consideration because the cost of living is less than Worcester. I will factor in everything, but ultimately it comes down to where I can get the best job that will afford me the best quality of life.


Watchfull_Hosemaster t1_jadmbk0 wrote

I don't know if there is going to be a "best pub" for a Gen-X couple. There are A LOT of pubs and bars around Worcester and the entire state.

Expect to pay anywhere between $5 - $9 for a pint of beer on average, depending on the beer type. The beer scene is huge around here. There are tons of breweries that make their own beers that you can go to. If you are into drinking beer, you will not be disappointed in Massachusetts. It's one of the best beer states in the country and is situated within New England - and all of the other states also have very good breweries. Even within the brewery scene, there are a lot of places that specialize in the IPAs but there are also plenty of other options at most places.

You'll have to explore once you get here. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. We have dive bars, upscale lounges, Irish pubs, brewery taprooms, and all sorts of other places to get a drink.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jadmnik wrote

My son would love that, but I don’t like Florida at all. I want/need to be in this area to be near enough to my mother (she lives in NW corner of Connecticut on MA border).


albalfa t1_jadry7d wrote

> Everyone has different reasons for moving of course, but try to be a little more analytical

Wow. Just..... wow.

The OP is asking about the price of beer, mentioned that Worcester is on their short list for moving to, and you coming back with this judgemental, unsolicited opinion to an internet stranger is just a whole new level of wtf.

Who are you to tell anyone that one of the most major life changes they can do is a mistake?


dina_NP2020 t1_jae26au wrote

West Springfield is big. There’s a large Russian community there. In Springfield there’s a large Afghanistani and Puerto Rican community. The affluent area in western MA is Longmeadow/East Longmeadow/Agawam.


Watchfull_Hosemaster t1_jae2hpd wrote

That's if you're going for a high-end craft brew. That's the very high end of the range. A high alcohol content New England IPA from a craft brewery can run you $9 at some places. You'd be plastered if you drink more than three of them anyway.
You can find regular pints of mass produced beer (Guinness included) for a lot less - probably around $4-$6 depending on where you go.


outb0undflight t1_jae4t32 wrote

> Your partner thinks Guinness loses its quality on the voyage to the States so chooses Yuengling as it's replacement?

Honestly seems normal to me. My beer taste is either good high quality craft shit or Miller High Life. Good or shit. There's no in between.


lukewarm_sax t1_jae7jno wrote

You’re right, I think they are 3.50 at both Steel&Wire and Ralph’s. I lived in Boston for 11 years (but born in Woo) and I remember having sticker shock when I moved back to Worcester recently, cause you can barely get a Gansett for $4 anywhere in Boston.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaed86t wrote

A must for the Irishman. It is in their blood to scout out the Irish pub no matter where in the world they are. Got into a massive fight with my ex-husband in Portugal because instead of going out and exploring he wanted to spend all day in the Irish pub watching Irish sports. So, sounds like we’ll be checking this place out!


LowkeyPony t1_jaeuuv9 wrote

I've heard this a few times. We are headed to Ireland later this year and so many people have mentioned HAVING to go to the Guinness Storehouse for a pint; and that the taste is completely different from what is poured here in the States


Dunwich_Horror_ t1_jaewkf6 wrote

Ralph’s is dimly lit, has pool tables, rock music, cheap beers.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaewtvr wrote

I guess any school anywhere would be like that? It’s a new experience. My daughter is especially looking forward to no uniforms. And you think American high schools are like prisons? My kids have had over 10 years of Irish-Catholic education. Talk about imprisoning! And these are public, not private, schools they go to.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaexkgo wrote

We were just in the Storehouse last month on a weekend trip to Dublin (went to see the Dropkick Murphys) and partner John says it was one of the best pints he’d ever had so you won’t be disappointed. I gave him my pint.


GesusKrheist t1_jaf42zd wrote

Not technically in Worcester but Jack’s Abby specializes in lagers and have taps all over. Definitely check them out, their brewery is only 30ish minutes east of Worcester.