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NativeMasshole t1_jak9upi wrote

No, it's not that bad. There are certainly shitty parts of the city, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's dangerous or anything. It's just a relatively poor city. So long as you're not scared of seeing poverty and know how to navigate city living, you'll be fine.


apple-masher OP t1_jaka950 wrote

generally speaking where are the shitty parts. it's hard to tell just from looking at google maps or a realty website.


mrch1ck3nn t1_jakdc9u wrote

hamilton st, cross st, mechanic st, around the police station, main st, henry st, charlton st, that whole side of town is a shit pile


dawaxtadpole t1_jakh00k wrote

You are very correct. There is a lot of theft in the area. Goes all the way up 169 to charlton. It’s fucking weird because you wouldn’t think it would be a trash town.


pra_com001 t1_jakb82y wrote

Try It will give you fair idea based on zip code.


mrch1ck3nn t1_jakdigi wrote

i bet if you google maps street view cross st you will see a drug transaction


NativeMasshole t1_jakdmsw wrote

By shitty I mean more run down than anything. You'd know it if you were looking at it. If you're really that concerned, then I guess stay away from downtown.


halfhorror t1_jakhfwg wrote

I'm a recovering addict in Southbridge. There isn't anything remotely like an open air drug market. It's a safe town.


Unable-Bison-272 t1_jakccan wrote

The shitty parts are the parts within the borders of Southbridge. Why do you want to move there? There are so many better places to live in this state.


apple-masher OP t1_jakdxu2 wrote

I don't necessarily want to move there, specifically, but I'm house hunting in the areas within commuting distance of Worcester, and I saw a house for sale there.

In case you haven't noticed, the housing market is a bit ... competitive, these days. Hard to find much below 350K within 45 of the city.

When I've asked people who live around Worcester which towns I should consider living in, several mentioned that Southbridge has a bad reputation, so I was curious and I thought I'd ask about it.


zardox42 t1_jakln22 wrote

Was in the same situation. Bought a house in Thompson CT. Way more bang for your buck with home buying. Taxes are high but was able to have a house built brand new for cheaper than some of Massachusetts outrageous prices on old houses.

The wife and I still commute to Worcester for work everyday. I have a 30min ride, hers is 35.


apple-masher OP t1_jakobbh wrote

wow, that's a shorter commute than I would have expected, from CT. good to know.


Bruins0615 t1_jakw3ql wrote

yeah it’s much better to consider anywhere along 395 south of worcester and auburn than southbridge.


Ahkhira t1_jakuw0y wrote

Thompson is a great town! No police and next to no crime. Also, there is plenty of open space and agriculture. It's really close to I-395 and a short drive to Worcester and everywhere else in Massachusetts. It's a great border town.


kraftastic t1_jakg24h wrote

We just bought in Worcester. Got a really nice house at 350. We found plenty between 300 and 350, just a lot of smaller than I'd like for the price.

Granted we moved from Boston so our perspective is 100% skewed


kraftastic t1_jakg3l4 wrote

Will happily recommend our realtor too, she was absolutely fantastic


dawaxtadpole t1_jakhbbg wrote

Northbridge is way better than Southbridge and closer to Worcester without having to live in Worcester.


NativeMasshole t1_jakii05 wrote

Ok, let me put it this way.

I personally think it's a fine place for a starter home if you don't have children. The city itself isn't great, as I'm sure you've obviously noticed, but it's really not as terrible as people make it out to be. The more rural areas can actually be really nice. Overall, it's not great for socializing and whatnot, but Sturbridge has plenty to do and that's like 10 minutes away. And anywhere else in Worcester County within your price range is probably going to have far less access to ... well, pretty much everything.

If you do have a children, I would look into the Quabbin and Tantasqua districts. You may be able to find something within your price range in the small towns around those areas, although you will be in a cow town with fuckall to do. And probably have worse access to Worcester than Southbridge. The upside is that they're all quintessential little New English towns that all have pooled resources into better school districts.


motherof16paws t1_jakols7 wrote

Would I live in Southbridge as a new grad who is renting? Sure.

Would I buy a house and put down roots? Absolutely fucking not especially if you plan to have kids in public school there.

Look in Sturbridge. We lived there. It's nice, a bit of a tourist spot in summer, but still a bargain compared to the town just northeast of Worcester that we moved to from Sturbridge.

ETA: You won't find a ton under 350, but some do come up.