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mrch1ck3nn t1_jakm1m4 wrote

it’s been like that for sooooo long hot summer days down wind brookside terrace 🤣


Mediocre_Coconut_628 t1_jakncsa wrote

And they got that new apartment complex going in by the old AO building ☠️


mrch1ck3nn t1_jaknq48 wrote

really lmao on east main i haven’t been down in a couple years i used to ride my bike past there as a kid is the whole thing being done? getting ready to house the consumer workers for the new amazon warehouse in charlton?


Mediocre_Coconut_628 t1_jaknxt6 wrote

Yeah it’s the warehouse complex down by edwards gas and the rotary.

From what I’ve heard that Amazon facility isn’t going to employ all that many people. It’s a robotic sorting facility, supposedly. But it’s not going to get spun up for another couple of years or so


mrch1ck3nn t1_jakouhq wrote

ah ok i drove down 20 when the bones were going up my aunt said distribution center so i assumed. at least that buildings getting some use i used to ride down the exempt tracks from near brookside to downtown. i didn’t know what the building was till i was older but it was vacant at the time and always kinda creeped me out lol idk why

where the rotary goes to main st there used to be a rail bridge they tore down trucks always getting stuck i rode over it a bunch towns always been shit but was fun as a kid on a bike


kw66 t1_jal3cqr wrote

Lol I remember trucks getting stuck under the bridge


outb0undflight t1_jam13q9 wrote

sigh. I miss that bridge. Never the same after they got rid of it.


Dick_Hz t1_jalxw6q wrote

Around the rotareeee down by the Hay-Ho?