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AnteaterEastern2811 t1_jauowbm wrote

Probably a couple hundred a month accounting for transport and food costs.


New-Vegetable-1274 OP t1_jauthew wrote

That's nice. I wonder if other people are experiencing similar savings. I think we are on the cusp of something big in terms of workplace changes. If it's saving money for the worker it must also save money for the employer. I've read a lot about how people have become more productive and a lot less stressed. The lack of juggling hurried morning routines, child care, commutes, and dealing with office politics are all plusses. Job performance can be more accurately measured. Are the social aspects of the workplace important? I'm retired but I had/have some pretty tight friendships with former coworkers. There's a lot of jobs where that doesn't exist but if you work in a place where relationships are good it probably checks all the other boxes and it's a really good place to work. They do exist. Having exited the work world, as good as it was, the only thing I really miss are the work friends I now see infrequently. Congrats on your savings.