Submitted by OandKrailroad t3_11k23at in WorcesterMA

I can only assume the title of “Worcesters Best Pizza” is self appointed. It certainly wasn’t the worst pizza I’ve had, but it’s far from the best. It’s a solid 5 in terms of flavor, it’s not gross, but it’s not anything special either. For those who can’t afford to try it, which is probably most of the Commonwealth’s population, I’d describe the flavor as a knock-off Papa Gino’s. And not in a good way. The size of the large pizza is certainly a spectacle! That is until you realize the crust on the bottom is tissue paper thin so it ends up being the same amount of pizza as a regular large from anywhere else.



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guybehindawall t1_jb5dv6w wrote

Should be called "I Like Frankie's", it's good, especially for delivery in Worcester, but it's not really even in running for best pizza.

Deadass tastes like Papa Gino's though, so they get points for nostalgia there.


Wbcn_1 t1_jb5fx4q wrote

Just how expensive is this pizza?


bartnd t1_jb5gbfl wrote

Might be a rough take but I think a lot of love goes to Frankies due to just being different.

90% of the pizza in Worcester is Greek style and most of them taste the same.

Outside of the generic greek-style you have:

  • Birch Tree Bread: Often mentioned with Volturnos, it provides another (and I'd agree with those who say better) break from the Greek style.
  • Volturno: brick-oven which gets a lot of love
  • Antonio's: Brand recognition due to the number of toppings. Decent for a quick bite but the Worcester location is over-hyped.
  • Ciao Bella: still Greek-style but slightly better than the 90% mentioned above.
  • Newton Square Pizza: A thinner crust option that might fit the bill if you like Frankies but want something thicker than tissue paper underneath
  • Blue Jeans Pizza: Thinner crust like Frankies/Newton Sq/Papa Ginos but some weird cheese blend that seems to turn translucent. Decent taste, but personally feel like it's overhyped.
  • Olo: I can't really speak for it as I haven't been since the changeover from Dacosta's but they seem to be well received.

Similar threads (might have outdated info):


D_is_for_Doomsayer t1_jb5jxkl wrote

Fratelli's Corner Crust isn't quite as good since changing ownership, but it's still a great alternative to all of the Greek/Albanian joints. Atlas for one of the better Greek/Albanian-style types.


bartnd t1_jb5k7f1 wrote

> Birch Tree

Good to know! I was going to add them but haven't been since the new owners took over and wasn't sure if they still did pizza nights. Definitely recommend if things haven't changed. Unfortunately the last time I was there for pizza, there was still a dirt lot.


NoraPlayingJacks t1_jb5lxi4 wrote

I largely disagree with this. If you’re into New York Style, I don’t know anywhere in Worcester that’s better than I Love Frankie’s. I liked the Margherita better than the cheese, but thought both were at the top of what I’ve had in Worcester in that style. Love Olo and Volturno but they’re a totally different animal. Where else do I need to try?


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jb5n4gs wrote

Yeah... don't get the large pizza. It's comically large and takes away from the pizza itself for the reasons you mentioned.

I get pizza from here once a month and his consistency has gone down in the past 6 months.

Also, the One Bite Pizza Youtube review of Frankie's is bordering on a classic.


TonySpangs508 t1_jb5p4vk wrote

Pizzeria Delight will always be my favorite. They have what they call a J&S Special and it’s all the things that shouldn’t be on pizza, thrown on pizza. It’s delicious.


This-Recording9461 t1_jb5p5bx wrote

Controversial opinion - Big Y, try the Margherita, factor in the price, it's surprisingly decent.


Forgot_the_Jacobian t1_jb5ruyl wrote

I'll echo Birchtree and Volturno. But I will also add Burncoat pizza on to the list, which is also one of the most convenient and my default go to


albalfa t1_jb5tkr3 wrote

No one ever mentions the Wonder Bar in these threads. I know it's new owners, but I have such nostalgia from when I was a kid there and loved the pizza. Last time I had it was a couple years ago and I seem to recall it lost something, but this was during COVID so that might have been part of it.


ebinsugewa t1_jb5ubr1 wrote

It’s the best pizza in the area if you ask me. Not meaning to defend them, but they don’t really have a lot of competition in my mind. There’s not a lot of ‘delivery’ style places in between the ‘House of Pizzas’/Greek style and the ‘sitdown’ restaurant type.

Anzio’s and Tavolino are both very good but a bit far to be considered Worcester IMO. Bruno in Sutton is my favorite for somewhat close.


masshole4life t1_jb5xnrv wrote

always spouted by people who haven't tried any pizza except trendy blog of the week places that get repeated over and over, and the dime a dozen greek style places.

do you have any idea how many pizza places there are here? you haven't tried a fraction of them.


augustus_octavian82 t1_jb5y4au wrote

Depends on style, but for classic pizza-joint but excellent: Vincent’s Pizza inside St. V’s


masshole4life t1_jb5yvkd wrote

no one even mentions any places except places that got popular from some blog. same with burgers.

this sub would shut down if for a week it was banned to talk about 15 particular restaurants because i swear no one would know what other pizza or burger to discuss.

then they'll act like worcester has no good x or y food. it has big "america has bad beer" like euros cry because they only know 5 popular american beers.

it's beyond old now. it's got big transplant vibes because the restaurants are always less than 10 years old and gone before anyone has a chance to give a shit.


420blazeit69nubz t1_jb61r4g wrote

I love Paesano’s but they haven’t been available to order online or through DD for weeks or months so I’m not sure what’s going on with them. You gotta use a curve though. It’s not going to be close to New Haven, NYC or North End Boston Pizza unfortunately.


thafunkyhomosapien t1_jb62hw9 wrote

I just had this for the first time last week. I ordered a large half pepperoni for our family of 5. Usually we end up getting 2 larges from other places and have a few pieces left over. We had about 30% of the large left over which feels about right in terms of comparing it to 2 larges from other places. I think it was $28 - which is also somewhat comparable in price to what we would pay for 2 larges other places.

Rating: 5/10. Totally edible and not "bad" per se. We live in Holden and I drove through to pick it up on the way home from work. I got it right as it came out of the oven and it took around 25 minutes to get it home. I am willing to try it 1 more time to make sure it wasn't very average due to travel time. There are so many very average pizza places around Worcester that are still better than this place.


ShockyWocky t1_jb65rxf wrote

Paesanos is pretty good as far as Worcester goes too. It's paper thin but from a food fire oven so it still gets a little char to it. I wouldn't drive an hour for it but when I lived over the line in Shrewsbury, we exclusively got pizza from them after trying our other options within a 10 minute drive.

I will say that Fratellis is good if you ask for well done. Otherwise it's a little floppy and messy but still tasted good. I guess it's a new owner but I can say he takes pride in the product after hearing him speak about the menu and all of their deals last time I was there.


Acceptable-Poem-6219 t1_jb65wqw wrote

Two under the radar pizza joints that are both great: Boomers and Brattle Stop.


[deleted] t1_jb6ex9t wrote

I’m easy. Pizza Hut stuffed crust


Actuallyhammed t1_jb6ht3b wrote

That was definitely self appointed. He also is one of the newest pizza spots in this city so it also comes off arrogant. My choices: Burncoat Pizza, Pomodoros, Ready Set (for greek style) and not technically in Worcester but Olis next to Gerardos on West Boylston st is fantastic too! Auntie Dots is also a fave but they have super limited hours.


Speedwagon1935 t1_jb6jid3 wrote

Depends on the style of pizza too, the best Greek style pizza definitely has to be from Leo's T Birds, they can have quite the attitude if you question them too much along with a greedy driver but they know people will order from them regardless because of how cheap and good it is.

Frankies is the best New York style around, used to be Worcester Pizza but whoever has baked the pizza for almost half a decade pulls the pizza's out far too early. I remember coming back from the UK after being away for so long and the pizza was so undercooked, sometimes you can save it by throwing it in your own oven but you shouldn't have to do that.


SweetPotatoFry0 t1_jb6kgju wrote

Pomodoro’s is the best pizza in Worcester. Definitely worth a try.


HeretikHamster t1_jb6ky45 wrote

Blue Jeans used to be great but I ordered a buffalo chicken pizza from them sometime during the pandemic and there was no buffalo sauce, when I called to say something they told me they made the pizza themselves and basically told me I was a liar lmao never ordered from them again.


lookmafireworks t1_jb6l765 wrote

Worcesters Best Pizza is really good but the “you have to call 6+ hours in advance” to get a pizza hurts it. Volturno is my favorite and OLO is really good too. Newton Square is solid.


sunshinepills t1_jb6mg3j wrote

I had a coworker who would get so impassioned talking about Big Y pizza that we affectionately poked fun at him for it. Finally I had to see what the fuss was about so I gave it a shot, and wow. I wouldn't call it the best in the city, but it definitely is a solid mid and nothing what you would expect from a grocery store. But, the fact that you sometimes have to order an hour in advance takes away so many points from the pro column.


Palmdale04 t1_jb6nvzb wrote

Not in Worcester but Black Sheep Tavern in Sterling is my go to.


ComnenusJ t1_jb6o135 wrote

I'm pretty sure it said "Worcester's Best Pizza" on the day that it opened, so that probably isn't based on anything.


The first time I ordered I realized there was a 3 hour wait and canceled it. I tried it a month later at some random time in the afternoon (I don't schedule when I eat pizza), and it was decent, but definitely not worth a three hour wait.

Also underrated pizza: Peppercorns.


Nalek t1_jb6ov7c wrote

Honestly thier margarita pie is pretty good and has been my go to for pizza in the area. Their regular pie isn't great but then again there's no actually good pizza in Worcester gotta grade on a curve.


bartnd t1_jb6r5iz wrote

Brattle is good though every now and again it just seems off. Not sure if it's a change in sauce or something else but they are a reliable Greek-style pie. Love the calzones there.


cmajka8 t1_jb6tehx wrote

Haven’t seen anyone mention Wonder Bar. It used to be really good but i haven’t been there in years. Anyone?


xxlaur77 t1_jb6vzlx wrote

Just moved here from NJ and crying at the pizza and bagel options in town lol 🥲


heyricochet t1_jb70sqs wrote


1)Auntie Dots-Great Grandma pie

3)Pomodoros-Great hand tossed dough, pretty cheap for what it is

4)Pepe's Italian Restaurant-Probably the closest to NY Style other than Frankies

5)Ciao Bella-Unassuming but well made pie

6)STOP Cafe-I dunno the sesame seed crust is really good actually, and the Albanian(?) sausage tastes great on a pizza

7)Oli's -Solid pie, might be higher but since they closed the one on Rt 9 I haven't gotten it in a while.

8)Anzios-Great, but all the way out at Northboro Crossing. Go get some shopping done and eat a pie there.

9)Woosta Pizza-A bit bready for me, but the wife loves it

10)Newton Square-Crust is good if you just want "pizza" always a crowd pleaser


Vino's Pizza in Northboro - Not sure why this didn't make the list when Anzio's did, but it's been longer since I've had it. NY Style and fantastic, think I'll have to pick this up on my way home this week.

The Boynton - Used to be more known for their pizza, was one of the first places to offer Gluten Free, I haven't had it in a while but it used to be good

Boomers - Right next to Boynton, last timer I got a pie it was way different than it used to be, less messy with the toppings and a thinner crust, not sure what happened. Still decent tho. Subs are still the best part about there, huge and great

Fratelli's - Had it once a long time ago, remember it being good but it's too far for me to get regularly


Boxziti t1_jb768fy wrote

Ollie's makes a good pizza and Neapolitan style. Not a greek wonder bread pie..


Sithlordbelichick t1_jb7beno wrote

Try boomers on highland street very good pizza and a a decently big menu very well priced as well


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_jb7hk94 wrote

Dino’s and Leo’s both have good pizza. Fastway on Gold Star also isn’t bad for low cost quick pizza.


awful_source t1_jb7ii6k wrote

It's really mediocre imo. Probably a 5/10 I'd say. The Portnoy rating is a joke and he probably just felt like he had to give a higher rating because the owner was out there.

Aside from the pizza, the service sucks too. Try ordering around 6/7pm on the weekend and it'll take 2-3 hours. Not joking. Maybe this was okay when they first opened but having to wait that long for that pizza is just dumb. There's far better pizza in Worcester.


albalfa t1_jb7lkdn wrote

I wanted so bad to be pissed at your reply. But I can't do it.

I think it's because it feels at first like you're a snob dumping on my beloved r/WorcesterMA and the city overall -- but you're not doing any of that.

There's some depth in your frustration here. And I don't disagree with what you said.



EmotionalSector2267 t1_jb7n6t2 wrote

Man… nobody mentions Roadrunners? The best under the radar, late night drinking pizza. And that’s what makes a good pizza.


em-em-cee t1_jb7nes6 wrote

Fellow Jersey ex-pat here - most of the in town options are terrible. The best pizza I've found is Pepe's, although I have not ordered since they moved to Shrewsbury St. We usually end up getting Antonio's since they do a much better job with delivery. Volturno (go Monday or Tuesday for BOGO) has really good pizza too.

Best bagels I've found is Cafe Fresh in Sterling. It's a haul so we buy a couple dozen and freeze them. Most MA bagels are round bread with a hole.


Lazy-Ad-2530 t1_jb7qjbw wrote

Find Fired UP Pizza truck. They have awesome pizza!


lardlad71 t1_jb7rw75 wrote

Steve’s Pizza in West Boylston. It’s right off I-190. It’s been a while but it was great in the 20th Century. I think my brother still goes there. I honestly don’t know why it’s so hard to make a great pizza in MA, but 90% fail.


bartnd t1_jb7wu07 wrote

I mean yeah there's a depth to the frustration, but it adds nothing to conversation. I tend to agree that the same questions get asked and there's little variation in responses, but if you're going to complain that only trendy restaurants are mentioned.....add to the discussion.

I've lived here 30+ years and I still read through the responses to see if I'm missing out on anything as I haven't been everywhere, and a ton of places have changed owners multiple times while keeping the same name.


guybehindawall t1_jb7yer3 wrote

I've enjoyed everything I've had from them, but the amount of attention they get you'd think they're running deals like "buy one large cheese pizza, get one more day with a deceased loved one."

Anyway, there is actually good pizza in Worcester. Volturno is legit Neapolitan style (Olo is also supposed to be good but I've somehow never been), and Birch Tree is a gem.


albalfa t1_jb80e8u wrote

Yeahhhhh... But... I think here that u/masshole4life adds some context to the conversation, even if--as you note--no additional restaurants are called out.

I think they, you, and I are aligned that the same places seem to always get mentioned. Have to say that Brattle Stop in this thread is a new one on me, despite having grown up a 3 minute car ride from there.

I read these threads because I am always looking for new (to me) places to try. For this pizza thread, I myself don't have anything to add other than the Wonder Bar above.

I guess the hope is that someone who isn't commenting might be encouraged to, even if their contribution isn't "mainstream".


masshole4life t1_jb82t94 wrote

the funny thing is that brattle stop is mentioned here all the time, and my suggestions are just as broken record as the rest of them, even if i don't mention them as frequently, because again, this is old. I've been on this sub 10 years and it's the same shit over and over.

here are some current good ones that rarely get mentioned.

ironically peruchos closed haha.

pomodoros on lincoln is good but sometimes goes too heavy on the cheese for me.

all systems go on shrewsbury st does a very decent thin style brick oven pie with nice pep cups. there's not much to the pizzas, though but they are well priced.

my vote for best bar pizza goes to brew city.

i haven't found any decent detroit style in the city but detroit pizza works in northboro is owned by unos and is unfortunately the only detroit pie i can get delivered. it's decent enough to satisfy a basic craving for detroit style.

dinos used to have good pizza but not so much nowadays. same with ciao bella.

for 7 am pizza for the night shift family table is where to go. can get decent burgers and steak and cheese, also, but these shine best before the competition opens if you know what i mean. still a lot better than the shitty dime a dozen greek style pizzarias all serving identical tasting menus.

i was thrilled to see auntie dots for once. place looks closed down but if you get there when they're open it's just like nani's. sicilian style.

that's just for starters.


TheSKM2 t1_jb84yw9 wrote

Antonio's on Chandler has a god tier white


curlygreenbean t1_jb8ab21 wrote

Uncle Chuck’s! Though may technically be Auburn. The sweetest cutest owners ever.


Speedwagon1935 t1_jb8fwhv wrote

Probably because all the bougie upper middle class people only go there out of the owners reputation and they have yearly catering deals with the higher end schools and colleges.

Their pizza is probably the only one those college kids and my ex will ever bother tasting.


powsquare t1_jb948ja wrote

I really will have to echo earlier comments that Woosta Pizza is closer to NY style, Antonio's is cheaper and better and closer to NY. And I also agree that Papa Gino's is the same thing but maybe you've never had Papa Gino's


powsquare t1_jb958au wrote

Worcester is THE MOST PIZZA CITY IN AMERICA. This may sound like Hyperbole, but I will wait while you Google it.

There are more pizza places per capita in Worcester than New York City and we have more variety than Rome or Napoli. Our pizza culture is more unique than New Haven or Detroit and the multiple diaspora have built a niche in our communities by making their mark and infusing their culture. I defy you to find another city that you can get a pizza with Tikka Masala made by an Indian person from the same place as a Corn, Egg and Keilbasa pizza with lettuce and Potato Sticks from a real Brazilian person.

EDIT: the above mentioned pizza do both exist as regular menu items at Fantastic Pizza and J & J. I'm sorry for going off on you like that, but there has never been a hotter take than "Worcester just isn't a Pizza City"


powsquare t1_jb95oud wrote

It was reopened and it is a completely different restaurant. People will try to gaslight you and say its the same pizza, dont believe them. Leos across the street is closer to what Wonderbar used to make


mikeydoodle420 t1_jb95q64 wrote

Calling yourself the best is a bold move and bound to conjure some negative feedback. However I think that it's indicative of the owner's confidence in creating pizzas he is proud of and I appreciate that kind of attitude. I went there for the first time last night and picked up a large cheese. The sheer size of it put a smile on my face. NY style is not my favorite but as far as this style of pizza goes, in Worcester, it is the best I have had. I don't live in Worcester so I couldn't confidently agree that it is Worcester's best. But I believe it is certainly worth the try. I appreciate a chef confident in his work and the quality of the product reflects that.


sammydee44 t1_jb9k4xt wrote

Went to Palace Pizza on Southbridge street, New York style pizza with a fresh garlic tasting sauce under the cheese. Liked it for a change from the usual Greek style. Fresh mushrooms instead of canned which is always bonus points with me


jp_jellyroll t1_jb9r73s wrote

Nah, there's no depth... Ultimately, that person's argument is, "I find it annoying how popular things get lots of attention and less popular things don't get enough attention."

That's like being a big fan of some obscure indie band and being annoyed how people will pay $500+ to see some generic pop act but not even give your favorite band a chance. Then the band gets a hit song and suddenly they're immensely popular and now you loathe them because they "sold out."

It's stupid. Just eat the food. Just listen to the music.


gh5823 t1_jba0t8u wrote

Dinos for pizza. Their food might not be what it used to be but the pizza is very good.


chicovsky40 t1_jba1hw7 wrote

100% self appointed tried it once and never again lol


KadenKraw t1_jbbcszs wrote

I like Antonios for more unique stuff and Atlas pizza for general easy good priced pizza.


Sea_Establishment300 t1_jbf31io wrote

Olo is the best pizza in Worcester pretty generous giving Frankie's a 5. I would give them a 3.5 honestly