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guybehindawall t1_jbxqo0h wrote

That was one of the big selling points, and it's just by and large not happening. Most fans are just going to the stadium, parking, going to the game, going back in their cars, and going home.

The Sundown's patio is a particularly good spot to watch hordes of WooSox fans beeline straight to their cars without hardly noticing the open bar they're walking by.


your_city_councilor t1_jc31mo3 wrote

None of these restaurants seem to be trying to attract people to come from the games though.


AceOfTheSwords t1_jc7mp4w wrote

So weird. I'd expect many of them to just leave, but after a point why wouldn't some people stop to eat for an hour just to avoid the rush of traffic from people leaving? Are they getting cheaper food in the stadium?