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legalpretzel t1_jbxinkt wrote

I don’t have any inside info, but historically that district has always been financially held back by Paxton and Rutland who vote against tax increases to fund the schools.


dpceee t1_jbxj30c wrote

Doesn't Holden shoulder a large share of the financial burden for that school too?


legalpretzel t1_jcc7g7b wrote

Yes. The district is Holden, sterling, Princeton, Paxton and Rutland. Paxton and Rutland have very conservative voter bases (Paxton is chock full of elderly people), and the other 3 towns tend to vote in favor of funding the schools.


dpceee t1_jcckzi6 wrote

I used to think of Holden as very conservative, but that's not really true. I mean, it's true compared to Worcester, but that's not saying a lot. Worcester is definitely a liberal place, but I would not call it the most progressive place, necessarily. Worcester has a strong "do as we've been doing" attitude.

But, a drive out through the wilds that are Western Massachusetts taught me that Central Mass. is another land.