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legalpretzel t1_jbxinkt wrote

I don’t have any inside info, but historically that district has always been financially held back by Paxton and Rutland who vote against tax increases to fund the schools.


dpceee t1_jbxj30c wrote

Doesn't Holden shoulder a large share of the financial burden for that school too?


legalpretzel t1_jcc7g7b wrote

Yes. The district is Holden, sterling, Princeton, Paxton and Rutland. Paxton and Rutland have very conservative voter bases (Paxton is chock full of elderly people), and the other 3 towns tend to vote in favor of funding the schools.


dpceee t1_jcckzi6 wrote

I used to think of Holden as very conservative, but that's not really true. I mean, it's true compared to Worcester, but that's not saying a lot. Worcester is definitely a liberal place, but I would not call it the most progressive place, necessarily. Worcester has a strong "do as we've been doing" attitude.

But, a drive out through the wilds that are Western Massachusetts taught me that Central Mass. is another land.


bartnd t1_jc24ypb wrote

hopefully not relevant username

Would you mind offering a hint at which Facebook group(s)? Even a PM would be appreciated. I'm in district and haven't heard much but I feel like a lot of discussions happen in Facebook groups which I don't know about.

I've always heard similar things as what /u/legalpretzel mentioned. Princeton and Paxton voting against increases/overrides.


its-a-crisis OP t1_jc47oox wrote

You know, I’ve had this username for 4ish years, was active in COVID subs in the Early Days, yaddayadda…nobody has ever “username checks out”ed me until today. Thank you.

The posts usually end up getting deleted anyways, and there isn’t much for valuable information anyways because trolls be trollin’