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NativeMasshole t1_jbxpduj wrote

>More of the collection will be on display than ever had been in the past,

Yes! I miss the Armory, but this is fantastic news!


GoblinBags t1_jbyw562 wrote

This is great but it looks like it won't actually be open for anywhere from 1-5 years according to the article. :( I wanna go this spring!


wildriver3845 t1_jbzc9h1 wrote

It will not be the same. The Higgins Armory Museum was a huge loss for the city. A lot of the armor was sold off. Plus the atmosphere of the original museum gave it a lot of character. It is a shame that a college did not purchase the collection and keep it going. It was not a lot of money. Yes they will have a few suits of armor a couple of swords but that is all.


raider34 t1_jbzeet5 wrote

I actually got to take PEAK classes there in the ‘80’s when I was in 5th grade and got to see a lot of behind the scenes stuff. Higgins Armory was a magical place for an 11 year old


raider34 t1_jbzydw6 wrote

Long gone are the days of a random cab showing up at your school and driving you all over the city to random places in the middle of the school day. Never even gave a second thought to jumping in that cab. Highlights of 5th and 6th grades (6th grade was rocketry and space at the New England science center) for sure


Atari875 t1_jbzzg0n wrote

The closing of the armory was one of the all time worst things to happen in Worcester


Speedwagon1935 t1_jc01mcv wrote

Thank the gods, thought it was going away for the next twenty years with the political drama about it.


javabill t1_jc06yit wrote

Actually there will be more like 1500 objects on exhibit in the new gallery. It will also feature an open storage area, so you will finally see what was “behind the scenes”. It is being designed by people who worked at Higgins, so it is in good hands.