Submitted by rrsafety t3_11rbx2d in WorcesterMA
PCRandomer123 t1_jc7tscv wrote
If only all looked half as good
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_jc82rry wrote
Triple deckers
poutine-pal t1_jc86qj3 wrote
No one in Worcester (or MA!) calls them “three deckers.” Triple Decker (or decka) all the way.
rrsafety OP t1_jc8cr5a wrote
rrsafety OP t1_jc8culf wrote
In Worcester it is Three Decker.
NativeMasshole t1_jc8d5m1 wrote
My family has owned a triple decker in Worcester since before I was born and I have literally never heard anyone use that term until today.
Winemom827 t1_jc8it4l wrote
This is gorgeous
[deleted] t1_jc8jdph wrote
HappyExperience9788 t1_jc8pyuw wrote
The front door is in the back lol
eyice t1_jc92b20 wrote
is this on elm?
dorkswerebiggerthen t1_jca2qwi wrote
Lol even the dead guy quoted in your article calls them triple deckers. Lrn 2 read
TheFierceInvalid t1_jcae2x4 wrote
Triples makes it safe
FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jcajpl7 wrote
How are those buildings to live in? Elm St seems like such a weird area to me, but I don't actually know much about it.
FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jcajshl wrote
Elm St on the corner across from St Spyiron looking towards Park Ave.
Ravenflaw t1_jcb0608 wrote
Dear OP. We live here. We call them triple-deckers. It doesn't matter what your link says, even that article calls them triple-deckers, so you can stop posting it as a reply to everyone telling you that we call them TRIPLE DECKERS. Mmkay? Mmkay.
edith-bunker t1_jcb0ni5 wrote
It’s triple decka, kid.
Steltek t1_jcb3lv9 wrote
For a native, I don't really have anything resembling an accent but when I say triple decker, that R is no where to be found.
poutine-pal t1_jccn8yn wrote
Same!! Central MA natives very rarely have that stereotypical “Massachusetts” accent, but with certain words it just comes right out lol.
SubduedHamster t1_jce6qvh wrote
Definitely a family that said 3-decker here. 4 gens of 2-decker scum with a horrible accent I managed to avoid for the most part.
SubduedHamster t1_jce6zgg wrote
It’s probably both, but my family always said 3-decker and put 4 generations of pure decker trash through a 2-decker. Want some baked beans and hot dogs?
SubduedHamster t1_jce7a8u wrote
Commented a few times, but my decker dweller family said 3-decker. We only lived in Worcester after family immigrated from elsewhere. Maybe it’s a term for us poors. The URL has /three-deckers in it.
SubduedHamster t1_jce7r35 wrote
3-decker for my family. I’m beginning to think we are some low level garbage using that term. Our family peaked with the multigenerational purchase of a 2-decker in the 50s. Then panic sold it right before its value skyrocketed due to a neighbor trying to burn his house down with a Molotov cocktail.
SubduedHamster t1_jce7ued wrote
My family literally never said triple decker and bought their 2-decker in the 50s.
SubduedHamster t1_jce80g6 wrote
Me and my family said 2- and 3-decker. It’s kinda both.
SubduedHamster t1_jce89yv wrote
Pretty sure it’s aging out. Being raised by boomers and older, it was very strong. My kindergarten teacher said drawer like “draw-ah”. My mom said Saturn like “Satin”. I still put “r” where there’s no R.
Ravenflaw t1_jcg0fhp wrote
Welp, welcome to Worcester where we call them triple-deckahs. (Same article calls them triples... )
SubduedHamster t1_jcg7bud wrote
It's really not that big of a deal. I've heard both my entire life. My family and neighbors were 3-decker people and got a 2-decker in the 50s that we all ended in at some point in our lives. Is this like a personality trait now or something?
Ravenflaw t1_jcgktse wrote
I could ask you the same. You are the one that has "commented a few times" about this. I'm just responding to your replies to my comment. :)
SubduedHamster t1_jcgnyyw wrote
Because I’m honestly curious why people are so viciously against one term for a house and literally denying the existence of a term that is used by residents. I mean, I remember living back home and people always seemed really angry and argumentative a lot but this one just has me stumped.
Ravenflaw t1_jck0dkv wrote
Says the one who is "commenting a few times" about it. Again, I can ask you the same thing. You're a wee bit obsessed with getting someone to tell you that you're absolutely right, we should all call them three-deckers. Are you THIS bored because I am...
SubduedHamster t1_jckgyo2 wrote
I mean, since I’ve moved away for a long time, I can see looking back how angry things are and not be hurt. I know you want to me make me feel bad about myself but im not trying to hurt you. And I know this will be read in an angry tone, but I’m not angry. Im just curious why there’s such a drive to make me believe a term doesn’t exist? I really have a curiosity as to what causes the need to “win” so much at home. There’s really nothing to gain by denying the existence of a term. What makes you angry about 3-decker being something everyone I knew said? I have heard both terms but it makes you upset for some reason? I really want to understand this mentality.
Ravenflaw t1_jckz7l3 wrote
... you really are quite annoying. Did you forget the coffee today? Maybe a nap? Can you maybe stop harassing me over an opinion? I don't give a crap about you calling it a three decker, you do you. I call it a triple and I'm not changing my dialect for you. Good riddance.
NativeMasshole t1_jc7ovun wrote
Triple deckers