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Psychological-Bad937 OP t1_jccpdmr wrote

Yea that's true, pretty certain most of the city is in the northeastern sea plain (for Massachusetts) Climate while I believe the areas above 800' elevation are in the southern worcester plateau climate. I feel like the terrains between 400-750 feet used to get significantly more snow than they have recently.


Enragedocelot t1_jccxurp wrote

Yea my friend lives on Airport Hill and it's remarkable how much colder it'll be when I go and how much more snow they get.

I live on another hill in Southern Worcester, so it's quite interesting to me.


dpceee t1_jcd2jqo wrote

I don't remember which is which, or even which zones are in Worcester, but I looked it up when I was buying flowers online. Wanted to make sure that my beautiful lilies could survive N. Worcester