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darksideofthemoon131 t1_isfkn1m wrote

People order couches online now. EVERYTHING fits in boxes these days including mattresses etc...

And y'all wonder why the FedEx/Amazon/UPS drivers and workers are cranky.


abrecade t1_isfnz65 wrote

No one wonders that though, everyone knows that job sucks.


joleary747 t1_isgqn4u wrote

I buy most things online, but I'll never buy a couch or bed online. Those are expensive items and you need to feel them to make sure you get the right one. Not a good thing to order online if you realize you need to return it later.


mistersynthesizer t1_ishe1gb wrote

Indeed. I just bought a couch and I'm so glad that I went to store to actually sit on them before buying. Some of them looked great and were inexpensive, but were as comfortable as a sack of potatoes. Can't test that with an online purchase.