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No_Dragonfruit1561 t1_ita16at wrote

I think you need to put aside your house requirements for the time being and pick the school system that best fits your son's needs. The only way to really get an idea of how well your son will be accommodated is talking to parents and educators in communities where your son will be served. I think this will be more challenging if you're looking at public schools and private school, if financially able, might be the best route. I don't think Holden is particularly diverse, if that's an important consideration for your son.


[deleted] OP t1_ita1fny wrote



No_Dragonfruit1561 t1_ita2lhu wrote

Understood and you are correct, Boston suburbs are extremally expensive and not necessarily worth it. I think you need to figure out which is most important, school or house. You could stay in a less expensive community and look into private schools if you feel like he won't thrive or won't be accommodated in public school. Logistics play a big part of that as well. When you think about it, he's young but really only has seven years left in school...maybe even less if he skips a grade. Seven years sounds like a long time but it goes by in a flash. Figure out what are you willing to sacrifice and where you can make concessions. Sounds like there are a lot of options and maybe if you nix one or two it will help you decide. There will definitely be trade offs, I think many of us have had to make them. Good luck, you are your son's best advocate, as long as you're happy with the decision and your son is happy, he'll be very successful.