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radzioplx t1_iwmq2y6 wrote

So you guys would prefer a nobody from a Western state lead the city over a guy who's been and raised here for years? Clueless and racist.


neilkelly t1_iwmrocq wrote

Nope, I'd prefer we spend the time and effort to find the best qualified candidate for the position. Not running a search gets us folks like Joe Petty, Maureen Binienda and Steve Sargent. The school folks figured it out and ran a search that got us Dr Monarrez, who seems to be doing quite well in her first few months.

Not sure why you think it's racist to want to know we got the best person?


your_city_councilor t1_iwnf9gc wrote

First ever Latino hired for the job, and now everyone is desperate for a search committee. Maybe not racially motivated (obviously not with Sarai Rivera, as she's an advocate for the community, but the others) but it can't help but feel that way.


guybehindawall OP t1_iwnky3w wrote

This is wildly ahistorical.


your_city_councilor t1_iwnmoh1 wrote

You're just making an assertion. Why is it "wildly ahistorical"?


guybehindawall OP t1_iwnq6tj wrote

People have been calling for a search ever since Augustus announced his resignation, pointing to the school committee's recent successful search process as an example of what to do, as well as the botched searches from the past two CM selections as an example of what not to do.

It's also just what normal, functioning cities do.

ALSO look at who the city councilors who have been pushing for a search are, and maybe reconsider if it's Batista's race (or anything about Batista, really, other then the process by which he was selected and the cronyism it demonstrates) that matters in the slightest bit here.


your_city_councilor t1_iwo48tr wrote

Someone working their way up the ladder in business is considered good practice. For some reason, you think someone doing that in Worcester is "cronyism." And the people who voted for ending the search: you think George Russell and Donno Colorio are the same? They're opposites.


guybehindawall OP t1_iwokh7u wrote

Batista working his way up in the city isn't cronyism. He is by all accounts a capable and qualified candidate and deserved consideration.

Batista being handed the job because he's connected to and currying favor with the right people, who refused to publicly lay out a single criterion or consider a single other candidate for the position, is cronyism.

None of this is a knock on Batista. It's a knock on the powers that be installing their guy as CM and barely being able to maintain the charade that they aren't.

I never said anything to the effect of Russell and Colorio being the same, I dunno what the fuck you're talking about there.