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MattOLOLOL t1_iwm1prb wrote

The City Council didn't even bother to look for anybody else, this was decided before Augustus retired.


Apprehensive-Mode-45 t1_iwmitdl wrote

I was incredibly disappointed in how this all played out and it really puts a cloud over Eric. No shade to him, he seems nice, but we really don’t know much about him and what his vision is.

The City Council should be ashamed that they didn’t do their job to look for a new manager the standard way. It would have been so valuable to see Eric and others with experience in city management show their fresh ideas for managing Worcester. I realize this is now the third time they’ve abandoned one of their major duties, instead pushing a guy through from the inside. It feels so icky.

I certainly hope the best for Eric in this role, and absolutely hope he might be able to make good recommendations for progress. But I also think if you live in the district of a councilor who chose to not do their job, you should start looking elsewhere for a representative who actually cares and is fully committed to the job of being a city councilor.


radzioplx t1_iwmq2y6 wrote

So you guys would prefer a nobody from a Western state lead the city over a guy who's been and raised here for years? Clueless and racist.


neilkelly t1_iwmrocq wrote

Nope, I'd prefer we spend the time and effort to find the best qualified candidate for the position. Not running a search gets us folks like Joe Petty, Maureen Binienda and Steve Sargent. The school folks figured it out and ran a search that got us Dr Monarrez, who seems to be doing quite well in her first few months.

Not sure why you think it's racist to want to know we got the best person?


legalpretzel t1_iwmyskz wrote

This is yet another reason why a strong mayor system is a better form of government for a city the size of Worcester. The electorate should get the deciding vote on who runs the city, not the city council. Sure, at the end of their terms we can vote them out for not even trying, but it doesn’t revolve the fact that the city manager is untouchable via public mandate.

And Batista may very well be the best person for the job, but he also might not be.


legalpretzel t1_iwmzhk8 wrote

Go figure it’s the councilors who are most likely to roll over and do things the way they’ve always been done because they need the voters in the 60+ bracket.

It is concerning though, because anyone who Colorio, Toomey and Mero-Carlson like should get strong side eye.


neilkelly t1_iwn1j13 wrote

From the article:

Councilors in the spring voted 10-1 to do a nationwide search for a new manager following Ed Augustus' resignation.

George Russell is the 1.


edit: Sorry, misread your question. Yes, there was a 6-5 vote on 10/26 to suspend the "search".


guybehindawall OP t1_iwn8rat wrote

Well it's not working because too many of the entrenched councilors aren't willing to do anything approaching "leadership". This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not sure that would necessarily change with a strong mayor system. We need better councilors before anything else!


your_city_councilor t1_iwnf9gc wrote

First ever Latino hired for the job, and now everyone is desperate for a search committee. Maybe not racially motivated (obviously not with Sarai Rivera, as she's an advocate for the community, but the others) but it can't help but feel that way.


guybehindawall OP t1_iwnkqyk wrote

Not to worry, people were definitely complaining that the council was trying to spend entire *thousands* of dollars to make the single most important decision that they make.


Apprehensive-Mode-45 t1_iwnooxh wrote

That is a very good point! Would love to continue to see new faces on the city council that are smart and take the job seriously.

Also in favor of time limits for councilors speaking as well. If you can’t make your point clearly in 2 minutes - your mic gets cut. 😂 The usual suspects blather on forever with no direction. It’s exhausting to listen to.


guybehindawall OP t1_iwnq6tj wrote

People have been calling for a search ever since Augustus announced his resignation, pointing to the school committee's recent successful search process as an example of what to do, as well as the botched searches from the past two CM selections as an example of what not to do.

It's also just what normal, functioning cities do.

ALSO look at who the city councilors who have been pushing for a search are, and maybe reconsider if it's Batista's race (or anything about Batista, really, other then the process by which he was selected and the cronyism it demonstrates) that matters in the slightest bit here.


abnormalbrain t1_iwo0jjz wrote

...and he does NOT like you taking his picture.


aKaake t1_iwo327c wrote

I loathe Mero-Carlson and Russel especially, but they are all terrible. I wish I had more experience or knowledge because I would run against Candy in a heartbeat. They are stuck in their ways and it's doing nothing but harm to the city and everyone that lives here.

FYI- their salaries are public knowledge, and it's A LOT of money for what they get paid to NOT do. Because, you know, they don't do anything.


your_city_councilor t1_iwo3ps8 wrote

No. Just Google some large multinationals and you'll find a ton that promoted someone from within the organization to become CEO. It's common practice. Just look at Mary Barra: she's the CEO of General Motors, and she started working there when she was 18.


your_city_councilor t1_iwo48tr wrote

Someone working their way up the ladder in business is considered good practice. For some reason, you think someone doing that in Worcester is "cronyism." And the people who voted for ending the search: you think George Russell and Donno Colorio are the same? They're opposites.


Karen1968a t1_iwo4akc wrote

That’s the beauty of this. Batista is now beholden to the old school councilors, while the progressives left him hanging out to dry. They screwed the guy who was their perfect candidate, and ended up on the losing end of yet another 8-3 vote. I’m not sure who the puppet master was here, but well played!


guybehindawall OP t1_iwokh7u wrote

Batista working his way up in the city isn't cronyism. He is by all accounts a capable and qualified candidate and deserved consideration.

Batista being handed the job because he's connected to and currying favor with the right people, who refused to publicly lay out a single criterion or consider a single other candidate for the position, is cronyism.

None of this is a knock on Batista. It's a knock on the powers that be installing their guy as CM and barely being able to maintain the charade that they aren't.

I never said anything to the effect of Russell and Colorio being the same, I dunno what the fuck you're talking about there.


redstarohyeah t1_iwq2a3i wrote

You’re such a consistent clown. The progressive councilors just asked for a CM search, ya know like every other city does? It’s extremely likely Batista would have come out on top anyway, but it’s a matter of transparency, honesty and following through on your word.


Karen1968a t1_iwq3mru wrote

So, I appreciate your input. Ask yourself a question. Have those 3 councilors been effective? Have they been able to work with the rest of the council to improve the CITY, or have they been focused solely a pushing agendas that serve their interests and their interests alone. Politics is getting things done, they can’t.


redstarohyeah t1_iwqim6r wrote

This puts the entire onus on the minority group in the council though, ask yourself this: what has candy mero Carlson or Kate Toomey EVER done in their years in the position? I have infinite respect for these new councilors trying to drag the Worcester old guard into 2022.


Karen1968a t1_iwqq36c wrote

Well it would appear that the answer to your question is, literally everything that’s happened over the last 5-10 years. You can absolutely argue the merits of things like Polar Park, but they got it done. The minority group is incapable of getting things done because they are incapable of working together, they are agenda driven not result’s driven. Now, I see a story in the T&G today about rooming houses, that seems to have widespread support on the council. Let’s see how it plays out


guybehindawall OP t1_iwqr9o9 wrote

In completely seriousness though, King/Haxhiaj/Nguyen have done a great job exposing just how inert and adverse to actively leading half of the council is. Maybe that's not "getting things done" (insert jacking off gesture here) but you gotta walk before you can crawl.


MassInsider t1_ixinqji wrote

That may be. I guarantee you that she wasn't the only one interviewed. And that they actually interviewed her. I'm fine with him. They were irresponsible in not actually doing anything but want him and that's it


MassInsider t1_ixj6ikh wrote

It is almost certainly internal policy, to start with. On top of that, investors don't give a single shit how long she's been there, if someone better was able to be acquired that's who they want.

I've seen places with an internal candidate in a hard to find discipline (data scientists types 10 years ago, for ex. ) not be able to promote someone because they can't find someone else to interview and company policy was all roles are competitive and in;lude non-current employees. While that's a little extreme, in the end its just bad practice to always promote from within. You want to consistently bring in talent with new experiences, especially at competitors. If all your lead or middle management roles are all internal promotions, you start to become a bubble. Thats VERY bad, especially in a high tech situation.

Back to the CM thing, in this case, they didn't even let anyone apply. He didnt' technically apply, never mind interview. There was just no process. Petty had an order last night asking for Batista's resume. They already appointed him and they never asked for the resume on the record? Yes, some of it may have been performative if they had more process, because they had the votes, but its government ffs. Some of it is performative.

Now it just looks like Augustus ordained his successor. I have a problem with that.

Edited to clarify talent from competitors and not the illiterate thing i actually wrote.


your_city_councilor t1_ixjccyd wrote

Again, it's not unheard of, and is in fact actually fairly widespread practice, to appoint someone to corporate leadership without some formal apply/interview process. You learn much more about a person when they work for an organization for a decade in different positions than you would in any apply/interview situation.

Companies are more likely to conduct a search externally if they need someone to come in and shake things up because the organization hasn't performed well. If they're looking to continue as things have been going, they'll appoint someone who's in a position of leadership already.

I mean, how else do promotions work? Someone comes to you and tells you, "Hey, we're promoting you to this job."

As for resume, I guess it's nice to have on record, but anyone could have just looked at Batista's linked in profile.


MassInsider t1_ixjz6uh wrote

Again, they ALL. Interview. Other. People. All of them. The only scenarios is in instances where a position is created for a specific person. And even then, depending on corp policy, they may still interview someone. Because decisions made in a vacuum are bad.

To your point, the fix may be in. But they do it because its due diligence.

If you are ok with elected officials doing just whatever the hell they want, that is your right. That they are ok with it looking that way is rather frightening


your_city_councilor t1_ixk5gho wrote

>Again, they ALL. Interview. Other. People. All of them.

That is simply not true. They might consider who is the best person and have some discussion in the board, but no, they simply do not all, or even generally, interview other people. Where do you get this from?

>If you are ok with elected officials doing just whatever the hell they want, that is your right. That they are ok with it looking that way is rather frightening

George Russell was right. Batista should have been hired on way back without any silly national search, which progressives glommed onto just because the schools were doing, which was because the schools have long been in disarray and someone outside was necessary to change directions.


MassInsider t1_ixonhmg wrote

Yea I was looking into this more today, specifically your example of CEO of IBM.First, I was a tech recruiter for a decade on the company side. I learned a few things. You never just take the next person up. Ever. You always challenge that person with what the market will present so you are always making analytical decisions based on the quality of the talent you can access. The only difference is in hard to find engineering talent. You typically need a group of whatever discipline you are looking for. That can be based more on opportunity. You are always looking and engage when you can develop someone interested.

As to your example of CEO at IBM. Yes, Arvind Krishna was internal. Ginni Rometty was internal. They know whose next, more than likely. If they haven't decided they know it is one of a few people. Because they have a leadership development program and are nurturing leaders. They don't have a next person or they don't know what they will do. Apples and oranges. And even they hired externally in 1993 when the business was in a bad place. Another example is Intel, whose current CEO left the company for 10 years and ran EMC and VMWare before they hired him as CEO last year. And we aren't even talking about the right level here. IBM has nearly 300k employees, Intel has over 100k. Worcester has a few thousand.

And I am personally fine with Batista. Much more than his predecessor. They did him no favors doing this the way they did. One councilor even addressed accusations of back room deals during the last meeting. I don't have any info about anything like that , but they shouldn't be surprised about the accusations. They did it to themselves. Now they are going to put him in front of community meetings? This idea that they couldn't wait to let him do these meetings before appointing him is absolutely absurd. They have hundreds of openings is the reason? Almost all those hires will be levels away from the CM and who the CM is has no effect on their lives. People take jobs for money, benefits, and their immediate report. Not their manager's manager's manager's manager. Especially in a govt job. Its all absurd.

When Eric chose to speak up in support of a search, when he could have chosen silence, that was him saying he was confident. Just play it out and look like you did your job. Not like Augustus chose his successor.