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Ovaltene17 t1_iwuk2lh wrote

The issue with these "leases" is that they include every kilowatt hour these panels will ever generate for the next 30 years at a fairly high rate per kilowatt, with large increases baked in each year. Add in some finance charges and equipment fees, and that huge figure is then simply divided into 30 years of monthly payments and there is your monthly payment. And you will still have some kind of an electric bill as well. Worse, they have a lien on your home that must be satisfied before sale. It's a tremendous scam and I cannot believe Congress hasn't addressed it yet.

The best OP can hope for is to get a lawyer and try to negotiate a buyout with some kind of discount/price reduction. OR if OP can sell the home and convince the buyers to takeover the lease!

These sales folks prey on the elderly too especially because, with a 30 year lease, they know it will be the children/heirs that end up paying the lease off with any profits from the estate sale.