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Ikirio t1_iz4rfbh wrote

Traffic light cameras to ticket people that run a red light


Robespierrexvii t1_iz4tpf2 wrote

I would do absolutely nothing. They're doing great at this already!


rikityrokityree t1_iz4v26w wrote

Sanitation pickup now only occurs every third Tuesday


morgelfy t1_iz4va36 wrote

Improve the trash/recycling pick up!!!!


CoolAbdul OP t1_iz4w0na wrote

I would fly to Florida and bring back Mike Gaffney and put him back on the city council.


kckid2599 t1_iz4woz6 wrote

An eight billion dollar, ten year project to make Bell Hill even steeper.


Mavericks_Mumma t1_iz4xltx wrote

Leave all of the roadkill in the roads, so passers by can keep track of the passage of time through the decay of their local roadkill.

Or Until the animal is finally flattened and ground into the road, only leaving a smudge mark.

I have been watching a dead beaver? Woodchuck? decay for 3 weeks now ๐Ÿ˜’


OrphanKripler t1_iz4yh75 wrote

The rotary on grafton street in front of the Pizza Hut, thatโ€™s widened out so much that only one car can go thru. So good luck to emergency responders and big trucks because the sidewalk is also widened out at the edges of the blocks so thereโ€™s no passing anywhere at all or anywhere to swerve to the side


KadenKraw t1_iz4zm1t wrote

2x or 3x the trash bag cost. Also get rid of the large bags.


slopezski t1_iz52km0 wrote

Replace all the busses with rickshaws


scabdul t1_iz52wbe wrote

i'd sell polar park and grant free health or education to all worcesterians (your choice) bc annoying the loudest will frustrate and anger the most.


LetsGoHome t1_iz532xa wrote

Remove the drawstring from the trashbags.


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_iz53d8u wrote

Give all city workers police powers. All of them. DPW, kindergarten teachers, librarians, lunch name it. Raise property taxes and initiate a special tax for renters. Use the money to create a slush fund that will pay out settlements for beatings of innocent citizens. Also, grant them a cut of each ticket they write. Also they can write a ticket for whatever they want. Just make something up. They can write you a ticket for eating a ham sandwich in public.

I know it seems like I am changing more than one thing, but I'm just fleshing out the idea expressed in the first sentence.


profjohnm t1_iz53xd1 wrote

No need to plow. The cars will pack the snow into hard pack and just drive on top...


TrickyCell6458 t1_iz54vs3 wrote

Raise taxesโ€ฆ.never mind they are already doing that.

Never fix any of the potholesโ€ฆ. Never mind the are already doing that too

Raise the cost of trash bagsโ€ฆ.I think they did that recently

Spend 10 years fixing one spot on the highwayโ€ฆ they are currently doing that.

I think Worcester is doing a good job pissing off people on their own


fitbitch3 t1_iz57mna wrote

Parking bans year round on ALL streets, both sides


Rosseaux t1_iz58s4a wrote

Declare a permanent, year-round snow emergency. Tow all cars accordingly.


foredom t1_iz5c2oe wrote

Itโ€™s actually pretty difficult to think of something that would anger both the bums in the common and the wealthy suburbanites on Salisbury street.

My vote is to declare martial law that is enforced by tyrannical school bus drivers.


flying-cunt-of-chaos t1_iz5d05e wrote

I would triple the number of traffic lights on route 9. Of course to do this, I would need to block the road for 8 hours a day for the next 3 monthsโ€ฆ


thisisntmynametoday t1_iz5h1am wrote

They briefly did 10 years ago. A plainclothes officer would see a car coming, start crossing, and any violators would be pulled over.

But then people started complaining about the $250 fine and threatened to sue because it felt like entrapment.

I saw them get three cars with one attempt on Hamilton St!


em-em-cee t1_iz5l9wp wrote

All payments to the city (including property taxes) would need to be made in person, using coins only. Hours are 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Thursday. Only one person will take payments and will manually count your payment to confirm. Twice.


wetwater t1_iz5mrzy wrote

Replace the bridge going into Shrewsbury. I live off of Belmont St and it seemed they had that area dug up for several years.


[deleted] t1_iz5ndaa wrote

Tell them one side of Belmont street will be closed all winter.


snakeman1961 t1_iz5ps6d wrote

Restrict the 190 entrance from 290, claim the work will be completed in a month, but do the Masshackerama "don't kill the job" thing.


DevilshEagle t1_iz5sp6g wrote

I officially change the spelling of the town to Wouhstur.


saintmusty t1_iz5u8ed wrote

I wouldn't have to do a damn thing


0lazy0 t1_iz5v3s6 wrote

Change everyoneโ€™s trash pickup by one day, and keep changing it every month


karast t1_iz602zl wrote

Condemn Coney Island.


ShockyWocky t1_iz668ma wrote

Work really hard to get a deal with an ISP that isn't Spectrum. But instead it's Comcast...


BitPoet t1_iz68azv wrote

Do not disclose which side. Flip a coin every morning, tow accordingly.

Also make it one way, direction chosen by the same method, but a separate flip.


BloodAtonement t1_iz68i79 wrote

put in another roundabout like say next to the old RMV and kirch liqours


masshole4life t1_iz6b8rp wrote

a coworker who i consider an honest guy was complaining about it. he got a ticket.

he said the cop would saunter into the road at the last second causing the driver to slam on brakes and swerve. coworker insisted he was not speeding and i believe him. the ticket was for failing to yield to pedestrian.

if that's the case they probably stopped to avoid being sued when they inevitably cause an accident.

these types of "gotcha" tactics are great for writing tickets and "raising awareness" but do absolutely nothing to improve safety and in many cases make things less safe.


Airforce987 t1_iz6cgn5 wrote

They got me for that just a few years ago so they definitely still do it. The cop was โ€œniceโ€ and โ€œonlyโ€ gave me a $40 ticket โ€œinstead of a $250โ€, so maybe thatโ€™s why people donโ€™t complain anymore


masshole4life t1_iz6cmdx wrote

i recently learned that if a raccoon drops dead on your property they won't come get it unless you shovel it onto a public way.

I had to sterilize my garden spade after rolling a 25 lb corpse 5 feet to the sidewalk. they collected it that day.

another time I reported a raccoon hit by car dying in the gutter of lake ave and the corpse was there 4 days later so idk how they operate.


Fun-War6684 t1_iz6fihz wrote

Build an even bigger baseball stadium to evict and oppress homeless folks even harder. Wait Worcester gov already did that.


East_Cartographer_57 t1_iz6hhz9 wrote

Dig up a road and expose all of the manholes covers 8 inches off the ground then leave them like that for 2 months.


Esuts t1_iz6hkj6 wrote

Declare victory with Polar Park and refuse to intervene or invest to make it either more successful or more damaging to the neighborhood. Piss off the supporters by abandoning it, piss off the detractors by abandoning the neighborhood.


R_Beau t1_iz6itpd wrote

All streets and roads are now one ways that lead you out of the city.


tocsin1990 t1_iz6ju5y wrote

Soccer stadium off park avenue


thisisntmynametoday t1_iz6xw49 wrote

I used to work on Hamilton St, where they had much needed weekly enforcement stings. One of the officers told us the enforcement stings prompted a wave of complaints (including someone they got three times in a week!), and thatโ€™s why they stopped. We had a brief period of time where people slowed down, and then it went back to being dangerous.


closerocks t1_iz6yil0 wrote

Make the use a random number generator to control the length of light times on traffic signals


thisisntmynametoday t1_iz6z0ll wrote

WPD set up across from where I worked on Hamilton St. There was a family that lived there that had a son in a motorized wheelchair, and daily drop offs from the school bus were hazardous from people ignoring the crosswalk and the bus lights and sign.

From what I saw, they made sure to step out with a block to spare, not last second. So many people speed on that road, forgetting itโ€™s 25 mph in the city, so it might seem it was โ€œlast second.โ€

A few times they caught multiple drivers at the same time because there are two lanes and both would blast on through. They even managed to catch someone passing a stopped school bus with lights flashing and stop sign extended while he went through the crosswalk. That guy went ballistic and was lucky he wasnโ€™t arrested.

Iโ€™ve been hit by cars three times in my life (crosswalk violation, doored, wrong way driver). Worcester drivers are a menace.


mikeyp83 t1_iz7jy8a wrote

Does that Santiago's truck still drive around Main South?

That, but for the entire city to enjoy: much louder and in Arabic and Vitenamese languages, from 1-4am.


masterjon_3 t1_iz7sytr wrote

Changing the pronunciation of the town from Wih-stir to War-chest-er to appease the tourists!


[deleted] t1_iz7wr0e wrote

Easyโ€ฆ make it a law that in the official pronunciation of Worcester, the speaker must over emphasize the R. It doesnโ€™t matter which R in Worcester. It will piss off everbody


legalpretzel t1_iz7x3vk wrote

Omg, and donโ€™t you DARE think about putting it out at 6:30am because thatโ€™s the same as leaving it out all night.

We put ours out the night before and have never had an animal rip our bags open. Fuck them. (*I need to go knock on wood now because Iโ€™m sure I somehow just jinxed myself into a hefty fine)


bbymummy t1_iz84pcu wrote

Contract with Unitil as the only provider of both heat and electricity ::insert maniacal laughter here::


Neyabenz t1_iz8c0si wrote

Recycling is now via bag only. You can only purchases these bags at grocery, and they're $4 each.


Enragedocelot t1_iz9gbcy wrote

Sorry but they donโ€™t actually work. Many studies on it, I used to have the same belief as you, till I looked into the reality of it.

Fuck a red light camera. Cars and pedestrians shouldnโ€™t ever interact.


Sufficient-Voice-210 t1_iz9h2w1 wrote

Increase the price of city mandated trash bags and lower the number of bags in the packs


Devastator5042 t1_izcfivj wrote

Build another Ballpark on the other side of the city


Sweet_Angle_8022 t1_j044jj3 wrote

At the same time, I hate having to listen to beeping and construction 24/7 outside my apartment. If they were filling in some of the damn potholes on the road, I wouldn't mind so much, but I haven't even noticed any positive change for the trouble.