Submitted by Psychological-Bad937 t3_zukwyg in WorcesterMA

Is God preparing us for the largest noreaster ever or what? Like Boston area loves talking all day about how Worcester gets more snow than anywhere else in the state yet Martha's Vinyard and Nantucket are having a White Christmas, Fitchburg and Gardner have gotten several times the amount we've gotten, and there's no forecasted snow in the next week.



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[deleted] t1_j1juafq wrote

Global warming…we’ll get nailed eventually.


0lazy0 t1_j1jurxk wrote

Yea I came to Worcester from CA and haven’t been impressed with the snow yet(this year and last year)


NativeMasshole t1_j1jux4q wrote

You mad that we're not getting fucked by 3' of snow? I've been enjoying our more mild winters.


pigs_in_chocolate t1_j1k2pzt wrote

Don’t worry. It’s coming. There will be plenty by the end of Jan, snow days for Worcester studentsfor sure, at least 4 by end of Feb.


boba79 t1_j1k6abp wrote

yes, global warming, but the Berkshires get more snow than here


helpforwidowsson t1_j1kj66b wrote

we don't get much snow usually until Jan. then we have it until end of May


jesseMc420 t1_j1kmw77 wrote

Are you wanting a northeastern blizzard? I'm good. A bit here a bit there.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j1ko84k wrote

Our winters have been getting milder with each passing year but a few decades doesn't tell you much. Could it be that it's cyclical and will eventually go the other way? I like New England's 4 distinct seasons. I'm retired and can look back at some pretty horrendous winter work commutes and don't miss that but New England is looking like parts of the south in winter now. It would be nice if it snowed enough to make it pretty but not enough to plow.


albalfa t1_j1kr0ch wrote

Where is the snow?

You know. I know. We all know. It's coming. It will arrive, perhaps gently and shy with just a couple-inch introduction. Or it might come blasting through the door like Kramer into Jerry's apartment and drop a 13" load rudely on us.

Be so kind as to allow me to present my overly-long, yet-somehow-vaguely-engaging treatise from a year ago.

Can't wait!


tocsin1990 t1_j1l79x7 wrote

as others have said, it's a Massachusetts thing. we typically don't get snow until January, but the winter season is usually around a lot later than most places.


UnlededFloyd t1_j1lnqhq wrote

People can debate if global warming is real and what the cause is. I think it’s simple. I’ve lived in MA my entire life. When I was a kid I remember sitting at the bus stop with a hoodie or a jacket and it being cold. Now there are 90 degree days and my kids wear shorts to school until the end of October. I used to play pond hockey all winter. Now I don’t even think our ponds ever have a chance to develop ice thick enough.

We are now in a pattern of weather extremes. Last 10 or so years we’ve had a weird October nor’easter that brings rain/ice and tons of wind. We have days in the dead of winter that are above 50 degrees with warm tropical like wind. We haven’t had a normal winter comparable to when I was a kid for a very long time.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j1maeha wrote

When I was a kid in Worcester the first snow was usually in October and the last snow was sometime in April. During that stretch it snowed every week and there were very no snow days. Of course every neighborhood had a school within walking distance. The blizzard in 78 was the worst I remember. There's a YouTube video about the blizzard in Worcester.


SmartSherbet t1_j1mck3a wrote

These days it’s more common for it to be over 50 degrees in winter than for it to be cold enough to need more than a light jacket. I wish I were exaggerating.


Todayismyday98 t1_j1nddet wrote

I live in Templeton and we’ve gotten two big storms. Each got about 4-6 inches. I’m still shocked every time I go to worcester and there’s nothing


Gahlic1 t1_j1ojuw6 wrote

I'm glad we haven't gotten any yet


rebel9800 t1_j1pwzhl wrote

I sleep in a car, so the less snow the better. I’m homeless because there’s no housing in eastern MA.