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HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j3rkuig wrote

I’m a car clean freak, and wash my car twice a week. You DONT need to wash your undercarriage every wash. Modern cars can tolerate salt ok. As long as you do the undercarriage wash once a month during the winter, you will be fine.


Organic-Step-2347 t1_j5bs5if wrote

My car is a 2012. Should I be fine if I wash it less? I was thinking maybe just once when winter ends.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j5buqzc wrote

I mean that, or just take it to a self wash bay and use the sprayer wand to get the wheel Wells and undercarriage, that way you can focus on the areas that need it most. It will prob cost you about $6.00.