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jp_jellyroll t1_j3tw0vi wrote

Jesus Christ... Kickstarter for a restaurant...

The reason commercial lenders want to see things like, y'know, a business plan is because they don't love pissing their money away on failed businesses. Nor do I, personally. Any jackass can conceptualize a restaurant and a colorful menu.

I want to see more info about the plan to handle overhead. Is your space already zoned and what's the rent per sqft and what are the increases? Do you need reno and how much? What does staff / payroll / benefits look like? Who are your F&B suppliers? What is your marketing plan? Have you done an actual market analysis?


guybehindawall t1_j41ih72 wrote

Yeah if they're going to crowdfund they should be on WeFunder or Mainvest instead, where businesses need to answer those questions.