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7evenPoint128 t1_j4va0iq wrote

Yikes. Also, how are you still working for a company that owes you 35k? That's not a late paycheck or stolen tips.


NativeSon508 t1_j4wr1du wrote

Wouldn’t it be nice if the fines were given to those who were wronged instead of the state just pissing it into the wind.


baldymcbaldyface t1_j4xhzzf wrote

Those employees working at the Worcester city motel should be giving hazard pay on top of their regular pay. That place gives me the heebie jeebies.


darksideofthemoon131 t1_j4yc73n wrote

I'm not one to instantly say to tear something down- but that City Motel has been a dump for the better part of 50 years- I'm surprised Shrewsbury puts up with it.