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t1_j57ub74 wrote

Old refrigerators are inefficient…. Solar panels are a great investment


OP t1_j57xmzz wrote

We have a 2 year old fridge. And we have too much tree coverage to make solar worth it for us, plus we'd have to put the panels on our lawn due to the way our house faces.


t1_j5a3h9y wrote

A heat pump / A|C unit is wicked efficient … but uses electricity


OP t1_j5a8eve wrote

We've thought about it, but our heat uses natural gas now so we're afraid to know how much electricity we'd use for a heat pump.

We do have a fireplace and had quite a few fires during the colder days last month, so I'm sure our bill would be higher if we hadn't. We can get the house to about 68⁰ with the fireplace and then the heat doesn't turn on until sometime the next day.