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lardlad71 t1_j586sfu wrote

National Grid makes tens of billions annually. Just saying.


dupattaluella OP t1_j58d305 wrote

I hate them so much. It took months of complaining when our bill was over 1000 kwh/month for our bill to suddenly decrease. And we have the old meter that was made for different rates at different times, so I don't know how to read the three different displays (sends readings automatically). I called and demanded they switch it out for a standard digital read and they're coming next week. If needed, I'll be demanding a manual read. I've been thinking they've been ripping us off as our usage wasn't this high in the past. The only change is we both work from home, but our computers aren't on 24/7.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yiv96 wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.