Submitted by dupattaluella t3_10h7cc2 in WorcesterMA

Update: Got a new meter yesterday and I now believe NG was ripping us off. We've used about 9 kwh in 18 hours, which would mean we'd use about 12 kwh per day, coming to 360 every 30 days. Get a new meter if you think NG might be ripping you off. It's free for you.

Anyone have suggestions on how to lower their electricity bill when they're WFH? We're in a budget plan, but our actual cost this month shot up to $315 with the new supply rates (National Grid). I can't keep paying $300/month for electricity.

We don't use anything we don't need to and keep lights off when it's bright enough out.

Our heat is forced air, natural gas, but we keep that at 65⁰ during the day and 60⁰ at night, and the fan doesn't run that much.

I've dropped down to one monitor just to try and save some electricity, even though I'm sure it's minor.

I cook most of our food at home, but we have a gas stove/oven and rarely use the microwave.

I just don't know what else to cut out.



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Marsdeeni90 t1_j56w7z4 wrote

National grid put a 60% or something raise on their rates starting Dec 1st 2022.


dupattaluella OP t1_j570u2s wrote

It was more than 60%. The supply charge went from $.11/kwh to $.25/kwh. That's over 100% increase. We paid about $103 last month for our supply charge and this month it's $199. Plus, there's the distribution charge and transmission charge, which are all essentially the same thing, so we're paying about $260 this month just to get our electricity.


dupattaluella OP t1_j571l4p wrote

Thanks. I checked it out and nothing will help. We're already with the lowest provider that doesn't require a contract. And the one that's lower requires at least a 6 month contract and would only save us $39/month based on the current supply charge right now, which is expected to go down in May.


JohnnyGoldwink t1_j57215h wrote

I feel bad for people. Honestly this shit is criminal. Hopefully this whole energy debacle were in will be cause enough for change.


Vinc3d t1_j572pkn wrote

Same boat here. The only solace are power outages.


dupattaluella OP t1_j572tb7 wrote

Nah, it won't be. This will just be a push for more control and eventually a push towards socialism. I mean, our electric bills already charge us for solar panels that are "free", electric vehicle charging stations that are "free", and renewable energy production.


techorules t1_j578vc9 wrote

How much power did you use on the bill and how many days does the bill cover? Electricity is one of the either things to figure out where your money is going but needs some specifics to help. Dollar amount means nothing because we don't know basics like how much you pay per kWh.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j57b15k wrote

Other than heating, appliances like dryer or refrigerator are big power users.


pra_com001 t1_j57bxpl wrote

Rent a FLIR camera from Home Depot, and from outside your house check the temperature of windows and doors. If there are red spots around them, it means you are loosing heat.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j57c0tg wrote

OP, switch to the Green Worcester supplier. It’s significantly less. I switched in December and my bill is almost back down to what it was before rates went up.


dupattaluella OP t1_j57cr2f wrote

Some are changing to pay to use, but many are still free. I don't have an EV, so I don't check them. Part of the cost is also to build the charging stations.

All the "free" programs are paid for by taxes and small fees like those on your utility bills.


dupattaluella OP t1_j57czwm wrote

We do wash and dry our clothes, so that would make sense. Our dryer is natural gas, so it shouldn't use that much electricity though. Our fridge probably does use a lot. But, it's still getting to the point we may not be able to afford electricity soon.


beesintrees194 t1_j57fhpe wrote

Something that has helped me a lot is keeping blinds and curtains closed in rooms I don’t go in, or only opening a few blinds/curtains of the room I am in since windows let cold air in through the cracks. I’ve also been using an electric blanket instead of having a heater running when I can, but an electric blanket still uses electricity, so idk if that’s actually helping a lot or not. I haven’t seen my bill this month, so I’m a little scared😓

Update: Just checked my bill and it is double what it typically is and I’ve used less electricity than I normally do this billing period. I’m hoping enough customers get upset to get national grid to lower their rates somewhat close to normal, but idk if they will listen


xxlaur77 t1_j57gtaa wrote

Heavy curtains to keep drafts out, electric blanket, LED energy saving light bulbs


dupattaluella OP t1_j57gvtf wrote

We just got new windows last month, so I hope we're not losing heat that way. And we actually get hot at night and have been thinking of reducing the heat 2-3 degrees for overnight. We do have an electric blanket on the bed and use it when we feel cold vs turning up the heat, but we rarely use it.


elemenopppppp t1_j57klke wrote

The biggest hidden power consumption is having things plugged in when they aren’t in use. Chargers, fan, shredder etc. Your home is measured at 0 for the loop the electricity travels through. As soon as you have something plugged in even if it’s not on it creates a longer path therefore spinning your meter. This is why mass save gives away the special power strips for your tv which only then turn on a dvd player or cable box after the tv turns on. Unplug anything not in use and physically take the plug out of the outlet.


EzualRegor t1_j57oksb wrote

Power vampires. Walk around your house at night with lights off and take note of anything still lit, that item is using power. Cable boxes, modems, routers, coffee makers, computers, smart devices, clocks, stoves, gaming consoles, etc., are all using power 24x7.


itssonotjacky t1_j57pzd3 wrote

My apartment complex in Southbridge notified us on Wednesday that we could reach out to Quest Energy Solutions out of Worcester. They are a broker who negotiates with National Grid to deliver electricity to central mass residents at a much lower rate. We were able to get our cost down to $0.1625 per kWH. Our previous rate was $0.3381 per kWh, and that did not include the 8 fees tacked onto our bill.

They were very easy to work with and I recommend reaching out to them


meltyourtv t1_j57rv1q wrote

Did you select your provider on their website? We just switched to an $0.18/kWh provider. Not very clean energy, but who cares it’s cheaper


teasea02 t1_j57ub74 wrote

Old refrigerators are inefficient…. Solar panels are a great investment


4runnr t1_j580zvl wrote

That’s equal to 1094W of electricity running 24/7 for 30 days. That’s a lot of power. 60x led bulbs running, a 1000W microwave running, 30 bathroom vent fans running, or 2 blenders running.

Something is wrong here. Buy a kill a watt and test everything you can!

We have the same set up as you (nat gas heat water and dryer) and at 1500sqft we use half the electricity and also keep probably 7 led bulbs on 24/7.

How old is your furnace blower fan? It may be time for a replacement.


lardlad71 t1_j586sfu wrote

National Grid makes tens of billions annually. Just saying.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_j58bdd1 wrote

The free stations are on business properties used to lure people to their businesses or as a perk for employees. They are slow charging stations that would take 4 hrs to charge completely. The electricity is paid for by the business that owns that property. Fast charging stations that charge in about an hour are all paid for by the consumer.


dupattaluella OP t1_j58co37 wrote

I've already been thinking our meter is wrong and we have the odd one from when they did the different rates at different times of the day. I called and complained for months when our usage was over 1000 kwh/month and it suddenly decreased. But, I called again and demanded they replace our meter with one I can actually read and they're coming out next week to make the swap. So, that may be more of the issue than I thought.


dupattaluella OP t1_j58d305 wrote

I hate them so much. It took months of complaining when our bill was over 1000 kwh/month for our bill to suddenly decrease. And we have the old meter that was made for different rates at different times, so I don't know how to read the three different displays (sends readings automatically). I called and demanded they switch it out for a standard digital read and they're coming next week. If needed, I'll be demanding a manual read. I've been thinking they've been ripping us off as our usage wasn't this high in the past. The only change is we both work from home, but our computers aren't on 24/7.


RedRose_Belmont t1_j58f44v wrote

Do you have some of the smart power strips that stop ‘vampire’ draw from devices on standby?


acurze t1_j58tngq wrote

Went from $300 to $500 a month ugh


Turbulent_Leg6503 t1_j595iha wrote

Anyone stealing electricity? You’re paying the prices of someone growing a tent indoor plants


tinymsv t1_j595p30 wrote

My gas bill is $383 again this month and we keep the heater at 68 degrees. It’s a complete rip off. On top of the food price increase this is completely brutal. How are ppl expected to pay these outrages prices?


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j59ls16 wrote

Overall the utility hikes are absolutely brutal. We will struggle to pay ours this season due to the price hike and that's even after doing the MassSave insulation and converting to heat pumps. We're on the City's aggregation which is better than National Grid but still very high.

Already thinking about what I can due to improve the house before next winter......


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j59nriu wrote

One thing you may not have tried: Eco mode on your screens(especially work computers). This can cut each tv/monitor’s energy consumption by 25-40%.


Brass_and_Frass t1_j59pwvu wrote

How long is that rate good for? I keep hearing horror stories about energy suppliers taking advantage of people by signing them up at a lower rate, but that they raise their rates after an introductory period. One woman was paying 48¢/kWh and didn’t even really know any better because she’d been paying that for a few years.

Just be careful and really read contracts, that’s all I’m saying.


dupattaluella OP t1_j59u6vq wrote

Yeah. We switched out the attic insulation last year and got new windows this year. The only other thing is to check the insulation in the walls, but that would require us to take down and replace the walls in pretty much every room.


dupattaluella OP t1_j59vrkv wrote

I will do this. I'd just hate if we found out there wasn't insulation because then we would need to take down replace the walls. The attic was a big enough job and it was blown in insulation. We did the attic ourselves so it was a lot of work and time.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5a0v6e wrote

I checked out some others from a link someone else provided. It seems like they get you with the auto renewal of the contract. Many contracts are a fixed price for the life of the contract, then variable pricing after the initial contract expires. So, if you have a 9 month contract at $.16/kwh, once the 9 months is up, they can charge you anything and change whenever they want.

I might still look into this, but I'll be calling them and having them send me a copy of the contract before signing up. I'd want to know how far in advance I have to say I don't want to renew, so I know if I'll end up screwed or not.


itssonotjacky t1_j5a1gml wrote

The contract they gave us is on 36 month terms with a clause that says there is no fee or repercussions for canceling early, and we are leaving this apartment in 5 months anyway so I didn’t really look into that much.


ccrobison t1_j5a7hzy wrote

Just a note… I thought my electricity bill doubled this month too but when I looked closely the due dates for December and January overlapped so it wasn’t as high as it looked (still high compared to a year ago). For some reason, probably due to the new year holiday timing my December bill wasn’t due until like the 15th (ish?) but I got my January bill before I paid my December so the December bill was shown as a carry over. It was not late. I assume I’m not the only person with national grid that happened to.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5a8eve wrote

We've thought about it, but our heat uses natural gas now so we're afraid to know how much electricity we'd use for a heat pump.

We do have a fireplace and had quite a few fires during the colder days last month, so I'm sure our bill would be higher if we hadn't. We can get the house to about 68⁰ with the fireplace and then the heat doesn't turn on until sometime the next day.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5aghx5 wrote

You can wrap the baby in a thicker blanket or sleeper. I mean, what did people used to use before we had heat to keep our houses at 68⁰? Not saying you need to change what you do, but if you want to save money, there are ways to lower the temp and keep the baby warm.


SmokersLungs t1_j5arrtd wrote

Do you have a whole house? I just have 1 br apartment and my monthly electric bill never exceeds $35 in winter and I work from home. I can't imagine how some people's electric bills are so high.


sreetansai t1_j5ayq10 wrote

i just got my first invoice from national grid for 4.5 months as 440$ for electricity is it high or low ?


dupattaluella OP t1_j5ckwk9 wrote

$440 for 4.5 months is very low. That's less than $100/month. You either have a small house and/or don't have much that uses electricity. My cousin has radiators and not many gadgets that use electricity, so their bill is about $200/month.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5cl7gb wrote

We wanted a wood stove, but we decided we want to get out of MA badly so we're trying to update the house and wait out the bad real estate market for now. Once prices are better, we're going to sell and get a multi family home so we can rent some of it out and have more money to invest.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5eqdv0 wrote

Good to know. I'll see how my bill changes after they switch out my meter and have them come check if needed.

We currently have the old meter from when they had different rates throughout the day and I don't know how to read it and no one at NG seems to know how to read it. After complaining for months when our bill was over 1000 kwh, it suddenly went down by 200ish kwh with no change on our end. So, I'm hoping this new meter will allow me to keep track of our usage and keep NG honest. And if needed, we'll pay the $11/month for the manual meter. I really think it's NG charging us more than we use since we have a house, but our garage is separate so someone could have tapped in somewhere.


techorules t1_j5exzj3 wrote

Weird. I didn't go through whole thread so someone else may have already suggested there but a very important test when you find you used a shit ton of power and like you did is to turn everything off. I mean everything. Then see if you're still spinning. If you are then power theft or something similarity serious is happening. It's a quick but important step.... And next is to buy a kill-o-watt on amazon or eBay. Great to have to find out if some our appliance is inefficient. Pretty important if you gotta pay almost 40 cents per kWh which is so brutal.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5ey72r wrote

>but a very important test when you find you used a shit ton of power and like you did is to turn everything off

Never even thought of this! Thank you for the suggestion. I really appreciate it.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5f0wsb wrote

$200/month is much less than many people pay who own a home. It's $.25/kwh just for supply right now. That means at 400 kwh, your supply would be $100. Plus, you'll have to pay all the additional fees which would add up to about another $70-80, so close to $200. If someone has electric baseboard heaters, electric stove, and works from home, they'll easily use 400 kwh in a month.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yipuw wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yis6j wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yiudk wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yiv96 wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.


dupattaluella OP t1_j5yixzq wrote

We got our new meter yesterday. In 18 hours, we've used 9 kwh. Using that, we should use about 12 kwh per day and 360 every 30 days. Obviously that can fluctuate depending on what we're doing, but that's still less than half of what we were charged for last month.

I think NG was ripping us off with the old meter we had that we didn't know how to read and no one could explain how to read.


violetcoconut t1_j5ylsdc wrote

I wish my bill was only $300...ours went up to $1,800 in November 🫠 I will definitely try a new meter!


dupattaluella OP t1_j5ys5fa wrote

I'm definitely going to be asking them about credits. From my discussions with them a few months back when my usage was over 1000 kwh then suddenly dropped after months of me calling in an complaining, sounds like they won't give credits. But, I'll be trying and going through more than just NG if needed. They need to be stopped from stealing people's money.


4runnr t1_j61bi61 wrote

“Misunderstandings and lethargy perhaps produce more wrong in the world than deceit and malice do. At least the latter two are certainly rarer.”

I advise that you are not quick to assign malicious intent, but that you read your contract with National Grid and see what your rights are to correct this obvious error for your time and money wasted. If you cannot resolve with customer service I would contact a lawyer who works for a percentage of the winnings.

The contract may state that you are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the meter, after which you would have no recourse.