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SmartSherbet t1_j6i1348 wrote

I know you're looking to buy, not bake, but the recipe below is seriously foolproof. I am not a baker - the only two things I bake are chocolate chip cookies and this bread. Despite my lack of skill, I make it twice a week and it turns out perfectly every time. I usually use half white flour and half whole wheat (Bob's Red Mill brand is my favorite). It also works with all whole wheat flour; I just prefer the half/half flavor and texture. All you need is a dutch oven, a cooling rack, and a reminder on your phone to make the dough the night before you want the bread (making the dough takes two minutes).


3 cups flour

1-5/8 cup water

spoonful active dry yeast

salt to taste



  1. Mix flour, water, yeast, and salt in a large bowl. Cover with towel or plastic wrap and let rise 12-18 hours (18 is better if you have the time) at room temp.
  2. 2 hours before baking, remove dough from bowl and shape into a ball. Cover loosely and let rise two more hours.
  3. 30-45 minutes before baking, preheat oven to 450 and insert your dutch oven to get it hot.
  4. Put dough in (hot) dutch oven; score if you like; cover and bake 30 minutes. Remove lid from pot and bake an additional 45 minutes. Set on rack to cool.

You can also sprinkle oats or seeds on top before baking with no ill effects if you want extra nutrition. This bread is seriously so simple and delicious that you will not have to buy grocery store bread any more once you get in a rhythm of making it regularly. It's not quite perfectly shaped for sandwiches, but that's a minor sacrifice I'm willing to make given how much money this saves and how delicious the bread turns out.