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Cheap_Coffee t1_j6hveo9 wrote

So... charging the cops and taking them to trial is a bad start?


CoolAbdul t1_j6hz6tt wrote

False premise. No one is saying charging the cops is a bad start. No one is suggesting that at all. What people are saying is that the problem is *institutional*, and this incident is merely a symptom of a larger problem.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6idl5m wrote

Agreed that it's a systemic problem. The question we're responding to is "
what's the point of a protest when the right things are happening.

It's not fast enough? We should skip the trial and just hang them?

The problem with protests is that there are so many of them that they have become effectively meaningless.


CoolAbdul t1_j6j6jhq wrote

Protests sparked the Civil Rights Act.

Protests ended the misadventure in Vietnam.

Protests resulted in anti-discrimination laws.

Legit results.

Doesn't seem meaningless to me.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6miswo wrote

I notice you had to reach back 50 years for examples.


CoolAbdul t1_j6mpp5i wrote

I used the most prominent examples, but if you want more recent examples that were brought about by public pressure, you can cite job discrimination on the basis of orientation, which has been banned nationwide since 2020, or the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (2012). But also, your response, citing the time frame, is a logical fallacy as it doesn't speak to the efficacy of public sentiment and public pressure.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6mqmkf wrote

How about Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter... oh, nevermind.

We each pick our beliefs.


CoolAbdul t1_j6mqsau wrote

Well, the former definitely didn't take hold. The latter... it remains to be seen if any real change results.